Teller Report

Osaka Tomita Hayashi 2-year-old girl heat stroke death case 7 years in prison for a man living with her

11/29/2023, 8:18:20 AM

Highlights: In June last year, in Tomitabayashi City, Osaka, a 6-year-old girl died of heat stroke after being left in a playpen surrounded by a board. In the trial of a man who lived with her who was accused of manslaughter and other crimes such as neglect of the person in charge of protection, the prosecution asked for a sentence of seven years in prison. The verdict against Momota will be handed down on the 16th of next month. Mayumi Ono's trial is scheduled to begin in January next year.

In June last year, in Tomitabayashi City, Osaka, a 6-year-old girl died of heat stroke after being left in a playpen surrounded by a board.

In June last year, in Tomitabayashi, Osaka, a 6-year-old girl died of heat stroke after being left behind in a playpen surrounded by boards, and in the trial of a man who lived with her who was accused of manslaughter and other crimes such as neglect of the person in charge of protection, the prosecution asked for a sentence of seven years in prison, saying that "the motive was selfish, such as wanting to abandon childcare and enjoy traveling."

In June last year, Yuyo Ono, who was 6 years old at the time, died of heat stroke after being left behind in an apartment complex in Tomitabayashi, Osaka.

▽ Defendant Takanori Momota (2), who lived with the defendant Mayumi Ono (47),
who lived with her grandmother, tied Yuyo's arms and legs with tape, locked her in a playpen for three days,
and caused her to die of heat stroke without giving her enough water and food. He is charged with manslaughter and confinement.

Among them, the trial of the defendant Momota began on the 52th of this month at the Sakai Branch of the Osaka District Court, and he has pleaded not guilty, stating that "I did not put it in the playpen."

At the trial on the 3th, the prosecution said, "The motive was selfish, such as abandoning childcare and wanting to enjoy a trip to Universal Studios Japan, and the consequences of losing precious lives in a state of hunger and dehydration are serious."

On top of that, he asked for a sentence of seven years in prison, saying, "The defendant played a big role in planning a trip to leave Yuyang-chan behind."

On the other hand, the defense side once again insisted on acquittal, saying, "At that time, the cohabitation had been dissolved, and the defendants were not sleeping over, and the grandmother Mayumi was raising Yuyo-chan."

The verdict against Momota will be handed down on the 16th of next month.

Meanwhile, Mayumi's trial is scheduled to begin in January next year.