Teller Report

More than 5 million people shop in 2 days during the year-end shopping season in the United States, surpassing the same period last year

11/29/2023, 2:17:03 AM

Highlights: More than 5 million people shop in 2 days during the year-end shopping season in the United States, surpassing the same period last year. The five-day average of $9060.5 spent on holiday shopping was $321.41, more than $4 less than last year, but 7% of that was spent on gifts, especially clothing, accessories, and toys. The sales of an online shopping sale called Cyber Monday, which was held on the 27th, the Monday after Thanksgiving, were 124.9 billion dollars.

The number of customers who shopped during the year-end shopping season that began in the United States exceeded the same period last year to more than 5 million in five days, showing the strength of personal consumption.

More than 5 million customers shopped during the year-end shopping season in the U.S. in five days, exceeding the same period last year, indicating the strength of consumer spending.

According to the results of a survey released by the National Retail Federation on the 28th, the number of customers who shopped in stores and online shopping during the year-end shopping season in the United States was 11.23 million in the five days from November 27 to 5.

That's 2.40 million, or about 370%, more than the same period last year, and the highest number since the survey began in 2.

Of these, the day after Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November, as any store is so busy that it is profitable, and on the 2017th, which is called Black Friday, there
are 11.4 million customers who shopped at stores and
24.7620 million customers who shopped online.
Both were higher than last year.

On the other hand, the five-day average of $9060.5 spent on holiday shopping was $321.41, more than $4 less than last year, but 7% of that was spent on gifts, especially clothing, accessories, and toys.

In addition, according to a survey by an IT company, the sales of an online shopping sale called Cyber Monday, which was held on the 27th, the Monday after Thanksgiving, were 124.9 billion dollars, more than <>% higher than last year, indicating that consumer spending is resilient even as inflation continues.