Teller Report

Last chance to apply for the Sámi Grand Prix

11/29/2023, 5:07:29 AM

Highlights: Last chance to apply for the Sámi Grand Prix 2024. As of Tuesday, the competition had received twelve entries. There have been contributions from the Swedish side, but Gaup does not know exactly how many at the moment. Last year, for the first time, SVT had commentators in Swedish on the broadcast. When the presenters and artists spoke Sápmi, the commentators spoke Swedish on top of that and some switched channels to NRK instead. The competition has so far received 12 entries and they hope to receive significantly more.

On Friday, the application for next year's Sámi Grand Prix closes. The competition has so far received twelve entries and they hope to receive significantly more. "The entries usually come in at the end," says Ol Johan Gaup, producer of the competition.

Friday is the last chance to apply for the Sámi Grand Prix 2024. As of Tuesday, the competition had received twelve entries.

"Of course, we're hoping for as many entries as possible, but twelve is good at this point. The contributions usually come in at the end, says Ol Johan Gaup, producer for SGP.

Last year, between 45-50 entries were received there, then twelve compete in the competition.

"At this point, you're always worried about whether songs are going to come in, but then it always does at the end. This is nothing new, it's natural, but of course we want people to send in during the week.

"Very difficult balance"

There have been contributions from the Swedish side, but Gaup does not know exactly how many at the moment.

"For us, it's always important, all parts of Sápmi are represented as well as possible. But in the end it ́s the quality which is the most important thing where the best songs come out.

"It's a very difficult balance and then it depends on how many grants you have to choose from. We only have twelve seats, so we don't get the whole of Sápmi represented, it's impossible to get all the areas in," says Gaup, who highlights an example.

"If there are six contributions from Karesuando and six from the South Sámi area on the Norwegian side, then the valuation is that we take three of each, we don't look at the land borders then.

Criticism of SVT

Last year, for the first time, SVT had commentators in Swedish on the broadcast. When the presenters and artists spoke Sámi, the commentators spoke Swedish on top of that and some switched channels to NRK instead.

Moa Frygell, project manager for SVT's broadcast of Sámi Grand Prix 2024, about the criticism:

"We are very happy that people get in touch and that we get feedback and views because it helps us to improve. Of course, we make sure to develop the program and meet the needs of viewers for next year's broadcast," she says.