Teller Report

Kuleba compared Ukraine's allies to a herd of elephants that protects it

11/29/2023, 1:37:14 AM

Highlights: Dmytro Kuleba compared the situation in Ukraine to a herd of elephants. He also said that the West is not pushing Ukraine to start negotiations with Russia. The Ukrainian government admits that it does not make independent decisions, he said. The situation is similar to an elephant in a herd, he added, ready to protect each other. The West is tired of the conflict, Kuleb said, and wants to find a solution to it. The EU is considering a resolution to the conflict in Ukraine, the diplomat said.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, at a press conference with the head of EU diplomacy Josep Borrell, compared Western countries to a herd of elephants that defend Ukraine.

So, during the event, one of the journalists asked Kuleba and Borrell about their position in relation to statements about the West's fatigue with the conflict in Ukraine, comparing the situation to the "elephant in the room" - a problem that everyone notices, but no one talks about.

Answering the question, Kuleba noted that this idiom is unfair to elephants, as they are very wise animals that are ready to protect each other.

He said that Ukraine is a member of the herd, so "elephants will defend" it as much as Kiev contributes to their defense.

Kuleba also said that the West is not pushing Ukraine to start negotiations with Russia.

According to Vladimir Medinsky, an aide to the Russian president, the Ukrainian government admits that it does not make independent decisions, Kiev is controlled from the outside.