Teller Report

Kayak extreme in the Arctic: Everything for the one jump – Video

11/29/2023, 6:57:17 PM

Highlights: Adventure paddler Aniol Serrasolses rides through the rapids and ice tunnels of a river, on top of the ice cap of the Brasvellbreen glacier near the North Pole. The 32-year-old's goal is an ice waterfall that flows into the Barents Sea at the edge of the glacier – and whose free fall must be mastered. To get to the waterfall, the crew had to climb a ladder onto the icecap and then walk 11 kilometers across the ice. They had to cross streams and crevasses – all for the one jump.

A professional kayaker has conquered a glacial waterfall in Spitsbergen, setting a record. Just to get to the starting point, he and his team had to endure hardships.

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Somewhere in the middle of nowhere of the ice masses: adventure paddler Aniol Serrasolses rides through the rapids and ice tunnels of a river, on top of the ice cap of the Brasvellbreen glacier near the North Pole. The 32-year-old's goal is an ice waterfall that flows into the Barents Sea at the edge of the glacier – and whose free fall must be mastered.

20 meters: It is the highest descent of a glacier waterfall ever recorded.

From the air, you can see the surreal landscape in which Serrasolses and his team traveled to set the record. To get to the waterfall, the crew had to climb a ladder onto the ice cap and then walk 11 kilometers across the ice. They had to cross streams and crevasses – all for the one jump.