Teller Report

Is the release of some prisoners and cubs worth all this blood?!

11/29/2023, 3:29:15 AM

Highlights: Is the release of some prisoners and cubs worth all this blood?!. One of the strangest things I have heard and read these days is the question of some condemning or reprehensible or obstinate. By God, achievement to this extent deserves all the sacrifices - despite its greatness - and its pain. It is not only considered for number and blood, but it is also for dignity and pride, as they are the real criterion. If these people have no standard except numbers, the minimum and staying in it and the like from the issues of pure matter, this indicates that they have nothing to do with science.

One of the strangest things I have heard and read these days is the question of some condemning or reprehensible or obstinate Is it worth releasing some prisoners and cubs all this blood?!

Celebrations for the reception of freed prisoners in the West Bank (French)

One of the strangest things I have heard and read these days is the question of some condemning or reprehensible or obstinate Is it worth releasing some prisoners and cubs all this blood?!

This and God is very strange and the strangest thing in it is issued by those who belong to science and its people, but with great regret, there are those who belong to the people of knowledge and the world has filled their hearts and they lived in it and for it and did not invoke the law that they should have learned and then taught people, they did not know that saving one Muslim deserves to go out for him armies as stated by scholars, Imam al-Nawawi may God have mercy on him makes the families of a Muslim or Muslims as entering the house of Islam positive for payment in all From them, and Ibn al-Arabi shows that they have a right to victory and that it is obligatory for them in the body, so there is no eye left of us to extremism until we go out to save them.

It is not only considered for number and blood, but it is also for dignity and pride, as they are the real criterion, but if these people have no standard except numbers, the minimum and staying in them and the like from the issues of pure matter, this indicates that they have nothing to do with science.

How can they speak with condemnation and appeal to this great battle, in which more than one hundred and fifty women and children have been released so far with its partial victories?! By God, achievement to this extent deserves all the sacrifices - despite its greatness - and its pain, but the matter is not only considered for number and blood, but it is considered for dignity and pride, as they are the real criterion, but if these people have no standard except numbers, the minimum and staying in it and the like from the issues of pure matter, this indicates that they have nothing to do with science.

Sayyiduna 'Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) says: If one man is rescued from the Muslims, he is dearer to me than the Arabian Peninsula, and this is the meaning of pride and fatherhood, for even if Muslims sacrifice themselves and their money, their souls do not obey them and no decision is settled for them as long as there is a prisoner or a prisoner in the hands of enemies, this first.

Second, who said that the fruits of this great battle are the release of these people only?!

Each of the fruits of this battle deserves all the great sacrifices that were sacrificed, and the precious generosity that the people of Gaza gave him, and among those fruits is the destruction of the myth of the enemy, breaking his prestige, soaking the dignity of his soldiers to the ground, cutting off his plot, inflicting terror in his heart, and daring the Muslims who planted weakness in their hearts and were convinced that this is an invincible army.

Imam Ibn Khwaiz Mandad – one of the Maliki scholars – says and Muhammad bin Al-Hassan Al-Shaibani a similar saying, "If a Muslim stormed on the people of war, knowing that he was killed and did not mourn them, but he saw that he dares the Muslims against them, his act was legitimate" Just for the sake of daring, intrusion and self-sacrifice is legitimate, and what is greater than this daring has occurred and will also occur in this battle - God willing - from whitewashing prisons from the hands of the usurpers and releasing our prisoners, as more than ten A thousand prisoners in the prisons of the occupier and after a few days they will be free hopefully Almighty thanks to God first and then thanks to these mujahideen who fought the battle of honor and insulted them with their souls, upholding the word of God and appreciating the meaning of the freedom of Muslims and not remaining under the authority of the usurpers, what stupid and ignorant is the one who criticizes and does not glorify or magnify such a battle that bears all these fruits.

There are many fruits that resulted from this heroic battle, which showed and revealed the will of these mujahideen to manufacture their weapons, accumulate their strength and prepare their equipment.

One of the fruits of this battle is also to see this enemy calculating a thousand accounts to undermine the blessed Al-Aqsa, and this in itself deserves such great sacrifices, so how is it one of its fruits - God willing - and the world will see it soon.

Then how can we not magnify this battle, which exposed and exposed the typographers and made them tremble in front of their failed project and hesitate to continue it, and will make those who take this step look at it with contempt and contempt.

All that we have mentioned are some of the fruits of this blessed battle, which deserves all these sacrifices for its greatness and pain, so congratulations to those who died in this battle, congratulations to those who were injured, congratulations to those who planned and planned, and to those who struggled, patience and perseverance, and to those who hunger, thirst and suffered in this blessed battle, congratulations to everyone who stood with her and everyone who supported her and everyone who cheered Congratulations to our nation and our people and to the people of Gaza in particular that God Almighty has helped them for this blessed battle, and what disappointment, shame and shame for those who failed them and those who abandoned them and those who fabricated and minimized this great act of bad standard and appreciation or bad folding and belonging, and we ask God Almighty to fully appreciate the victory and success of the Mujahideen and those who were with them, as He is the guardian of that and is able to do so.