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Iranian experts: "Al-Aqsa flood" brought closer to the independence of Palestine

11/29/2023, 6:07:16 PM

Highlights: Iranian experts: "Al-Aqsa flood" brought closer to the independence of Palestine. Iranian analysts are divided between expecting the truce between the Palestinian and Israeli sides to continue or expecting it to end. But they agree that the Palestinian resistance is the beneficiary of the "al-Aqusa flood," which will reflect on Iran. Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei meets with Ismail Haniyeh earlier this November in Tehran (Anatolia) The truce is likely to turn into a permanent truce and put an end to the decades-long conflict in the Middle East.

Iranian analysts are divided between expecting the truce between the Palestinian and Israeli sides to continue or expecting it to end, but they agree that the Palestinian resistance is the beneficiary of the "Al-Aqsa flood," which will reflect on Iran.

Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei (right) meets with Ismail Haniyeh earlier this November in Tehran (Anatolia)

TEHRAN – With the extension of the temporary humanitarian truce between Israel and the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip for two more days, Iranians agree that its continuation is in the interest of the Palestinian side and consecrates the defeat of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has already raised the ceiling of the goals of his aggression high, and has achieved none of them.

In addition to the failure of the Israeli intelligence and security services to predict the operation of the Al-Aqsa flood on the seventh of last October, the developments of the truce came to complement the security surprises of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), which insisted on handing over the detainees to the Red Cross in the northern Gaza Strip, where the Israeli forces were before the truce.

Iranian circles have long been divided over the country's foreign policy over the past decades, but these days they are almost unanimous on the correctness of what the Islamic Republic has bet on in supporting the resistance, as it is Tehran's front line in the face of the Israeli occupation.

Extension of the truce

Political science professor Sadiq Ziba Kalam considered Tel Aviv's retreat from its conditions for discussing the truce a victory for the Palestinian resistance, "which broke the thorn of Israeli vanity."

In an article titled "The Armistice Agreement, Which Party Won the Battle of Gaza?" published in the newspaper "Arman Melli", Ziba Kalam said that "the truce is an important step to resolve the conflict between the Palestinians and Israel," explaining that "the recent battle of Gaza proved that extremism and intransigence will not bring peace."

While the Iranian academic expresses hope that the temporary truce will lead to "acceptance of the facts of the Palestinian file and a lasting solution to the conflict in the occupied territories," Iranian observers wonder about the features of the post-Al-Aqsa Flood Battle and its repercussions on both sides of the conflict, especially the Palestinian cause.

Military affairs researcher Muhammad Mahdi Melki saw the Israeli side's agreement to extend the truce as an indication of its real desire to escape from the quagmire of Gaza, explaining that "the Western Hebrew axis seeks to humanize the temporary truce, to cover up the defeat suffered by Tel Aviv."

Speaking to Al Jazeera Net, he considered royal that "the ongoing truce will not last long," and expected that the occupation will resume during the coming period bombing the sector "in an effort to record a military achievement on the ground, after it failed to achieve any political goal through truce negotiations."

The Iranian researcher expected the Israeli right-wing government to procrastinate international efforts aimed at a complete cessation of military operations in Gaza "because this would be a resounding defeat for a heavily armed entity, which enjoys various kinds of international support, in front of a resistance movement, not a classic army."

Labor pains

The former Iranian ambassador to Norway, Sri Lanka and Hungary, Abdolreza Faraji Raad, believes that the extension of the truce "is an indication of the possibility of turning it into a permanent ceasefire," explaining that "the longer the humanitarian truce lasts, the more pressure will be increased by international circles and world public opinion on the party that penetrates it, and holds it responsible for resuming the war."

Speaking to Al Jazeera Net, the former Iranian diplomat considered that "the flood of Al-Aqsa approached the date of independence of the Palestinian people," likening violence against the people of Gaza to "labor pains for the birth of the Palestinian state."

Faraji Rad believes that "if the regional and international parties present an initiative to end the conflict in the occupied Palestinian territories, the ongoing truce is likely to turn into a permanent ceasefire and put an end to the decades-long conflict in the Middle East."

With regard to the southern Lebanon front, Ambassador Faraj Rad expected the continuation of the undeclared truce between Hezbollah and the Israeli occupation forces if the fighting in Gaza stops, adding that "after exhausting the energies of the Israeli entity in the battle of the Al-Aqsa flood, and its repercussions on the Israeli interior, the latter will retreat from its threat to launch an attack on Hezbollah, and the option of war on its northern front will be taken out of its calculations, because the party's experience and military capabilities exceed what Hamas enjoys."

The Iranian diplomat believes that the battle of the Al-Aqsa flood has "produced an Islamic troika with the participation of Iran, Qatar and Egypt, and played a constructive role in the course of the battle," noting that "Tehran's geopolitical position will be strengthened after the battle of Gaza, and the Western side will calculate a thousand accounts to deal with files related to the Islamic Republic."

He praised the coordination between the circles of the axis of resistance and the division of roles between them during the battle of the Al-Aqsa flood, and considered that "the last battle will put an end to the accusation of Tehran interfering in Arab affairs, the challenges that were facing the Islamic Republic in the file of popular protests, the threat resulting from the tension between Azerbaijan and Armenia, and the continuous Western pressure against it."

Farji Rad likened Israeli violence against the people of Gaza to the pain of labor for the birth of the Palestinian state (Iranian press)


"The post-Al-Aqsa flood phase will not be the same as before," according to Farji Rad, who believes that the overthrow of Netanyahu's government will be the first repercussions of the battle of the Al-Aqsa Flood, adding that "the recent war revealed the weakness of the occupation at various levels, especially militarily and security, and that the thorn of the entity will not return as it was."

Farji Raad enumerated the features of the next stage as follows:

  • The return of the Palestinian cause to the list of priorities of the world.
  • Greater American and Islamic interest in the Palestinian cause and developments in the Middle East.
  • The U.S. role has declined in the face of China's rising power.
  • The pace of normalization of relations between Arab states and Israel has faltered.
  • Strengthening the position of Iran and Qatar at the regional and international levels.

Political researcher Qassem Zakiri adds to these themes "the possibility of widening the gap between the Western protectors of Israel and other countries," explaining that "after the battle of the Al-Aqsa flood, many independent countries will turn their backs on the Western narrative, due to the West's dual policy towards wars and human rights."

In an article titled "The Possible Repercussions of the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation," Zakiri wrote in the Persian-language newspaper Etemad that "Hamas and other Islamic resistance movements in Yemen and Iraq will strengthen their military capabilities," and predicted that "the rise in tension in the West Bank and the recurrence of battles similar to the Al-Aqsa flood may require American intervention and the opening of new fronts against Israel."

Israel and its Western protectors will work to "destabilize the security of the ring countries, especially Syria, after the battle of Toufan al-Aqsa, in preparation for pressure on the Lebanese Hizbullah," he said, stressing that he does not rule out the emergence of extremist movements such as al-Qaeda to take revenge on Israel and the United States.

The researcher concluded that "the absolute American support for the Zionist entity during the battle of the Al-Aqsa flood may lead to a setback for the Democrats in the 2024 presidential elections, in addition to Ukraine's gradual exit from the list of priorities of the US administration."

Source : Al Jazeera