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How to build a global benchmark city for the digital economy

11/29/2023, 1:27:15 AM

Highlights: How to build a global benchmark city for the digital economy. This year is the first year for Beijing to officially implement the "Beijing Digital Economy Promotion Regulations" In the past three years, there have been more than 3,3 new enterprises in the core industries of thedigital economy in Beijing. There are more than 1 million end users of the Internet of Things, covering many fields such as intelligent manufacturing and intelligent transportation. The yield rate of superconducting quantum chip samples has increased from 80% at the beginning of the year to 95%.

This year is the first year for Beijing to officially implement the "Beijing Digital Economy Promotion Regulations" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), how is the progress in the goal of building a global digital economy benchmark city?

From April to October this year, the special research team of the Beijing Municipal People's Congress successively went to Chaoyang, Haidian, Shijingshan, and Changping Districts to conduct field research on cutting-edge technological innovation, application scenario construction, and data element market cultivation, and held special symposiums.

Recently, the Beijing Municipal Government made a report to the Financial and Economic Committee of the Beijing Municipal People's Congress on accelerating the construction of a global digital economy benchmark city, and the latter put forward a series of opinions and suggestions on strengthening the openness, flow, industrialization, and innovative supervision and services of digital, helping to break through the development of Beijing's digital economy.

Liu Yuhui, vice mayor of Beijing, said in a report on behalf of the municipal government that in the first three quarters of 2023, Beijing achieved an added value of 14060,8 billion yuan in the digital economy, a year-on-year increase of 3.44%, accounting for 3.1% of the regional GDP, an increase of 1.8226 percentage points year-on-year, of which the core industries of the digital economy achieved an added value of 7.10 billion yuan, an increase of 6.<>%.

Beijing leads the country in the development of enterprises in the core industries of the digital economy. According to the report, in the past three years, there have been more than 3,3 new enterprises in the core industries of the digital economy in Beijing, with an average of 1,8000 new enterprises established every year, and more than 16,6 enterprises above designated size in the core industries. In the first three quarters, the revenue growth rate of the software and information service industry was <>.<>%, and the proportion and growth rate of added value in GDP ranked first among all industries.

Jiang Guangzhi, director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, said that the digital economy has provided a strong momentum for the high-quality development of the capital's economy, and it is necessary to play its role as a "ballast stone" and "engine".

To decode the digital economy, different districts in Beijing have different ways: Chaoyang District's "business + technology" two-wheel drive model, Haidian District's innovation leading mechanism, and the Economic Development Zone's efforts to target high-tech industries.

In Beijing, a number of new infrastructure projects in the fields of artificial intelligence, blockchain, big data, and privacy computing have been accelerated. The construction of the National Industrial Internet Big Data Center and the top-level node command and operation center was completed; There are more than 1 million end users of the Internet of Things, covering many fields such as intelligent manufacturing and intelligent transportation.

The country's top artificial intelligence research institutions have gathered in Beijing, and the artificial intelligence technology system has been basically formed. Natural language, general vision, multi-modal large models, etc. form a complete technology stack, and the key algorithm technology has reached the domestic leading and international advanced level; The yield rate of superconducting quantum chip samples has increased from 80% at the beginning of the year to 95%, and the average coherence time of medium-scale superconducting quantum chips and 3-bit superconducting chips has increased by three times.

"At present, the focus of Beijing's digital economy development is more focused on industry, information industry, and digital technology, and the systematic reform in the fields of digital government construction and application scenario opening needs to be improved, and the digital transformation of urban digital governance and social and people's livelihood is relatively lagging behind." Yan Ligang, chairman of the Financial and Economic Committee of the Beijing Municipal People's Congress, said.

"Openness is the norm, non-openness is the exception." The Financial and Economic Committee of the Beijing Municipal People's Congress suggested that the timeliness, completeness and accuracy of open data should be enhanced based on this principle, and the open sharing of government data should be promoted. Promote the transformation of government functions through the construction of a digital government, promote the deep integration of institutional reform and digital technology application, coordinate data security and the development of the digital economy, and continue to optimize the business environment.

In terms of smart city construction, the Beijing Municipal People's Congress suggested that the implementation of urban operation and management of one network, promote the integration and sharing of data between different departments, different industries, different systems, and different data formats, and expand and enrich smart city application scenarios around the market demand of enterprises and the needs of citizens' lives. Encourage the development of Internet hospitals, digital libraries, digital cultural centers, and virtual museums, so as to realize the amplification, sharing, and reuse of high-quality resources.

In terms of digital industrialization, the special research group suggested that it is necessary to promote digital technology to empower the real economy, provide richer application scenarios for the new generation of information technology such as artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing, and connect the chain from original innovation to achievement transformation and then to industrial application, so as to create a digital industrial cluster with international competitiveness; Formulate a roadmap for digital transformation by industry, cultivate a group of competitive and influential digital transformation service providers, help carry out all-round and full-chain transformation of traditional industries, and promote the digital transformation of the whole life cycle of manufacturing products.

Looking to the future, Liu Yuhui said that the policy system, relevant legislation, and industry standards related to the digital economy will continue to be improved, the construction and operation of new infrastructure will be further optimized, and the scale of computing power supply in Beijing will continue to rise.

China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Zhang Yi Source: China Youth Daily