Teller Report

House of Councillors Budget Committee: Supplementary budget bill for this fiscal year expected to be approved soon

11/29/2023, 3:37:40 AM

Highlights: House of Councillors Budget Committee: Supplementary budget bill for this fiscal year expected to be approved soon. The supplementary budget bill will support the new economic measures. It will be voted on by a majority of the Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito, the Japan Restoration Party, and the National Democratic Party. Prime Minister Kishida said, "Although it is legally classified as a political fundraising party, it is a study session with a lecturer that has been going on since before he became prime minister"

The supplementary budget bill for this fiscal year, which will support the new economic measures, will soon be voted on by the Budget Committee of the House of Councillors, and will be voted on by the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the New Komeito Party (Komeito) and the Japan Restoration Party态...

The supplementary budget bill for this fiscal year, which will support the new economic measures, will soon be voted on by the Budget Committee of the House of Councillors and is expected to be approved by a majority of the Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito, the Japan Restoration Party, and the National Democratic Party.

On the morning of the 13th, Prime Minister Kishida and all Cabinet ministers attended the House of Councillors Budget Committee for the supplementary budget for this fiscal year, which has a total of 1992.29 trillion yen in the general account.

On the administration of the government

Hideya Sugio of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (CDP) said of the administration, "The eyes of the public are very severe, and the approval rating is plummeting. What do you think is the main cause?"

In response, Prime Minister Kishida stated, "I strongly believe that we must listen carefully to the voices of the people, and I have received a variety of advice, such as 'I am afraid that the true intention of the policy is not being conveyed,' and I would like to continue to listen carefully to these voices and continue to make efforts while devising ways to proceed with the policy."

On the issue of political funding of the Liberal Democratic Party faction

Regarding the issue of political funding by factions of the Liberal Democratic Party, Prime Minister Kishida said, "It is regrettable that the revision of the political fund balance report has continued until today.

Asked whether his political fundraising party violated the ministerial code that stipulates that large-scale parties should be refrained from, Prime Minister Kishida replied, "Although it is legally classified as a political fundraising party, it is a study session with a lecturer that has been going on since before he became prime minister. It is up to each minister to make an appropriate decision as to whether this is a large-scale issue that could arouse public suspicion."

Unfreezing the "Trigger Clause" Consultation between the Liberal Democratic Party, Komeito and the Public

Regarding the upcoming talks between the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the New Komeito Party (Komeito) and the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), which is calling for the lifting of the freeze, regarding the "trigger clause" that suspends the additional portion of the gasoline tax, Prime Minister Kishida said, "In the consultations last spring, we could not find an immediate solution to the problem, and we decided to continue the subsidy for the time being, but it is meaningful for the ruling party and the policy managers of the National Democratic Party to discuss the 'trigger clause'. The three parties have begun to coordinate how to proceed, and the government will respond appropriately based on the outcome of the deliberations."

On the other hand, Finance Minister Suzuki was asked whether there was any prior consultation on the talks, and he said, "I have not been briefed in advance, but my understanding is that if the freeze is lifted, a total of 1.5 trillion yen of financial resources will be required for the national and local governments, and this point will also be considered in addition to various issues."

The supplementary budget bill is expected to be voted on soon and passed by a majority of the Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito, the Japan Restoration Party, and the National Democratic Party.

It will also be approved at the plenary session of the House of Councillors to be held in the evening, and will be enacted.