Teller Report

Foreign press: Finland will close all border crossings with Russia

11/29/2023, 2:37:40 AM

Highlights: Finnish government announced on the 29th local time that Finland decided to close the Rajayoseppi port on the border with Russia from 28:11 on November 30 to December 12. As the crossing is currently the only Finnish-Russian border crossing for people to travel in Finland, this means that all border crossings that can be used for people will be closed. 11 asylum seekers from Kenya, Morocco, Somalia, Syria and Yemen entered Finland from Russia in November, up from less than one per day, according to the Finnish Border Guard., November 11 Comprehensive Associated Press and Reuters reported that the Finnish government announced on the 29th local time that Finland decided to close the Rajayoseppi port on the border with Russia from 28:11 on November 30 to December 12. As the crossing is currently the only Finnish-Russian border crossing for people to travel in Finland, this means that all border crossings on the Finnish-Russian land border that can be used for people will be closed.

Finnish border guards escort migrants to Rajayoseppi international border crossing on November 2023, 11.

About 11 asylum seekers from Kenya, Morocco, Somalia, Syria and Yemen entered Finland from Russia in November, up from less than one per day, according to the Finnish Border Guard.

Finnish Prime Minister Olpo said at a press conference that the move is a necessary and appropriate measure to effectively curb illegal immigration, and the government's goal is to bring the border situation back to normal as soon as possible.

Finnish Interior Minister Rantanen said the Rajayosepi crossing was the last vehicular crossing to open and that the rail link between the two countries remained open, but only for freight.

On November 11, the Finnish government closed four border crossings in the southeast of the border with Russia, and from November 18 closed the eastern border crossings such as Kusamo and Sara, leaving only the Rajayosepi border crossing for passage along the eastern border.

The Nordic country of Finland shares a border with Russia to the east, and the two countries share a border of more than 1300,<> kilometers.