Teller Report

Five young people convicted of involvement in the murder in Hjästaviken – SVT broadcasts live

11/29/2023, 9:07:56 AM

Highlights: Five young people convicted of involvement in the murder in Hjästaviken – SVT broadcasts live. A 25-year-old man lost his life and was found hanged in a nature reserve. Uppsala District Court agrees with the prosecutors and the five teenagers are convicted of murder against their denials. One of the brothers, who is 19 years old, is sentenced to life imprisonment. Two of theBrothers were sentenced to four years in juvenile detention, while the fourth brother and the girl were jailed for three years and six months.

On Wednesday, the verdict in what has been called the "taxi murder" in Hjälstaviken outside Enköping will be announced. A 25-year-old man lost his life and was found hanged in a nature reserve. Five young people are convicted of involvement in the murder.

Uppsala District Court agrees with the prosecutors and the five teenagers are convicted of murder against their denials. One of the brothers, who is 19 years old, is sentenced to life imprisonment. Two of the brothers were sentenced to four years in juvenile detention, while the fourth brother and the girl were sentenced to three years and six months in juvenile detention.

As a possible motive, the prosecutors have suggested that the murder was revenge for an alleged assault. Earlier in the autumn, SVT Uppsala was able to reveal that the girl accused of murder reported the victim for rape a month before he was found hanged in a grove of trees.

Uppsala District Court writes in its judgment that the 25-year-old man has been lured to a place in the belief that he would receive sexual services.

"There is no direct evidence in the form of confessions or witnesses to the murder itself, but there is a large number of circumstantial evidence that with varying degrees of strength speaks for the guilt of all the defendants," says Lars Holmgård, chairman of the case in a press release.

Found hanged from tree

It was on April 1 earlier this year that a 25-year-old man was found dead in the Hjälstaviken recreation area in Enköping municipality.

The man was found hanged from a tree and had been reported missing for just over a week.

It was the beginning of a long and high-profile saga in which five teenagers, four brothers and a girl, were charged in September on suspicion of murder.

Four of the teenagers are registered in Uppsala County while one of the brothers, who is under 18 years old, is a resident of Södermanland County.

SVT broadcasts live from the district court starting at 10.00.

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See a summary of the case in the video. Photo: SVT/Storyblocks