Teller Report

Feijóo appoints four women to the social areas of Genoa and creates a deputy secretary for Equality

11/29/2023, 7:57:32 AM

Highlights: Feijóo appoints four women to the social areas of Genoa and creates a deputy secretary for Equality. The new area of Sustainable Development will include competences in the fields of the environment, energy and housing. Esteban González Pons remains in the deputy secretary of Institutional, Juna Bravo continues in Economy and Borja Sémper also remains in leadership of the 'popular' party. The PP intends to help generate new channels of interaction between citizens and politics, and will focus on the problems of excessive and non-responsible use of technology.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo underpins the renewal of the leadership of the PP with four women, two of them young people under 40 years of age. The 'popular' leader...

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Alberto Núñez Feijóo underpins the renewal of the leadership of the PP with four women, two of them young people under 40 years of age. On Thursday, the 'popular' leader will propose to the Executive Committee of his party Paloma Martín as deputy secretary of Sustainable Development, Ester Muñoz as deputy secretary of Health and Education, Ana Alós as deputy secretary of Equality and Conciliation and Noelia Núñez as deputy secretary of Mobilization and Digital Challenge.

These four additions will complete a Steering Committee of 16 people (10 women and 6 men) in which the president of the PP replaces the deputy secretaries who have assumed responsibilities in the governing bodies in Congress and Senate (Pedro Rollán and Carmen Navarro), and creates new areas "to adapt the PP to the social reality of the country", according to sources in Genoa.

Therefore, Esteban González Pons remains in the deputy secretary of Institutional, Juna Bravo continues in Economy and Borja Sémper also remains in the leadership of the 'popular', although it is not yet confirmed if he will be officially spokesman for the party.

The new area of Sustainable Development, which will be headed by Paloma Martín (1970), will include competences in the fields of the environment, energy and housing, among others, "with the aim of improving the PP's response to the challenges linked to climate change, the green economy and responsible urban development".

It will also coordinate policies related to agriculture, livestock and fisheries. Martín was Minister of the Environment, Housing and Agriculture of the Community of Madrid. She is currently a senator.

The PP has united health and education in a single area to try to reinforce "its commitment to public policies, and strengthen one of the key elements of this new political time," the same sources point out.

Génova points out that Ester Muñoz (1985), the new head of this vice-secretariat, "has management experience (she was a delegate of the Junta de Castilla y León in her hometown, León), and has parliamentary experience as a deputy". In addition, she was a senator between 2016 and 2019. She has a degree in Law, with a bilingual postgraduate master's degree in international law.

The new Deputy Secretary for Equality and Conciliation "will continue to deepen the effective equality between men and women, to also focus on the problem of conciliation of both fathers and mothers with children, and children with fathers and mothers with age-specific needs or some pathology or disability," explains the PP. It will also carry out social services and inclusion.

Ana Alós (1969) has developed part of her professional career linked to this matter, as highlighted by the PP in its statement. Member of Parliament and former senator, mayor of Huesca between 2011 and 2015, she has a degree in Economics from the University of Zaragoza and a master's degree in Business Administration and Management from ICADE.

With the new deputy secretariat for Mobilization and Digital Challenge, the PP intends to help generate new channels of interaction between citizens and politics, and will focus "especially" on the problems of excessive and non-responsible use of technology and social networks, especially detected at an early age.

The national deputy Noelia Núñez (1992), councillor in the City Council of Fuenlabrada, has a double degree in Law and Legal Sciences of the Public Administrations, and was deputy spokesperson in the Assembly of Madrid.

  • Alberto Núñez Feijóo