Teller Report

Decided: Eskilstuna has the country's ugliest parking lot

11/29/2023, 5:07:41 AM

Highlights: The parking lot in Årby in Eskilstuna has been named the country's ugliest in a competition announced by the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation. In second place is a car park in Gothenburg, while Falkenberg's contribution takes home third place. The competition has been decided by a jury selecting ten finalists from contributions submitted by the public. The winner has then been chosen through an open vote. In the clip below, you can hear more about what will happen to the parking lot.

The parking lot in Årby in Eskilstuna won. Or lost – depending on how you look at it. Among nine other candidates, it has been named the country's ugliest in a competition announced by the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation.

In mid-November, news broke that the parking lot in Årby had been selected as one of ten entries in the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation's competition for Sweden's ugliest parking.

And now it is clear that the Eskilstuna parking lot has swept the track with all resistance.

Oversized parking lot

The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation describes the parking lot in Årby as "a classic oversized 1960s car park".

In second place is a car park in Gothenburg, while Falkenberg's contribution takes home third place.

"With the competition for Sweden's ugliest parking lot, we want to draw attention to the fact that many places should be for people instead of cars," says Beatrice Rindevall, chairman of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation in a press release.

Open vote

The competition has been decided by a jury selecting ten finalists from contributions submitted by the public. The winner has then been chosen through an open vote.

In the clip below, you can hear more about what will happen to the parking lot in Årby.

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Is this Sweden's ugliest parking lot? Watch the clip and judge for yourself. Photo: Robin Persson/SVT