Teller Report

3D-printed machine guns for criminal network – six people prosecuted

11/29/2023, 2:19:39 PM

Highlights: Two men suspected of having manufactured 3D-printed weapons in Växjö. Indictment says the crime is linked to the criminal Foxtrot network. Main suspect, a 55-year-old, is said to have acted as a weapons manufacturer in the criminal environment. He has been identified as a "weapons technician and weapons supplier to criminal circles" in a district court judgment already 20 years ago. The weapons were then allegedly sold to the four other defendants, along with ammunition and silencers.

Two men are suspected of having manufactured 3D-printed weapons in Växjö. According to the indictment, the crime is linked to the criminal Foxtrot network.

The main suspect, a 55-year-old, is said to have acted as a weapons manufacturer in the criminal environment, with several addresses in Växjö municipality as a base.

According to the indictment, the man, together with a man of the same age, manufactured 3D-printed fully and semi-automatic submachine guns and several revolvers.

The weapons were then allegedly sold to the four other defendants, along with ammunition and silencers.

Background as a criminal arms supplier

The 55-year-old is also suspected of having produced 55 kilograms of black powder.

He has previously been convicted of crimes under the Military Equipment Act, weapons offenses and weapons smuggling on several occasions – and has been identified as a "weapons technician and weapons supplier to criminal circles" in a district court judgment already 20 years ago.

Connected to Foxtrot

Among the evidence is a report on the Foxtrot network, the prosecutor believes that the weapons have been handled within the criminal environment.

One of the buyers, a 35-year-old, has previously been detained on suspicion of aiding and abetting a murder in Haninge in 2022, which gang leader Rawa Majid is suspected of having instigated. The 35-year-old was never charged.

Another of the buyers is now also being prosecuted for promoting escape. He is suspected of having helped a 17-year-old convicted of murder to hide, after a high-profile rescue in Södertälje last spring.

All those involved deny any wrongdoing.