Teller Report

Éric Dupond-Moretti trial: if convicted, will the Minister of Justice have to resign?

11/29/2023, 5:17:18 AM

Highlights: Éric Dupond-Moretti trial: if convicted, will the Minister of Justice have to resign?. If convicted, he would most likely be forced to leave his ministry, because for Élisabeth Borne, "the rule is clear": a conviction requires a resignation. "He is approaching this day in a serene manner," his entourage said, in the same words as at the opening of his trial in early November. The prosecution had asked for a one-year suspended prison sentence for the minister.

After ten days of trial, between November 6 and 16, on suspicion of illegal acquisition of interests, Justice Minister Éric Dupond-Moretti will be determined on his fate this Wednesday, around 15 p.m. And on this occasion, it's his future in the government that is about to take shape.

Jacques Serais, edited by Gauthier Delomez / Photo credits: Ludovic MARIN / AFP 06:05, November 29, 2023

After ten days of trial, between November 6 and 16, on suspicion of illegal acquisition of interests, Justice Minister Éric Dupond-Moretti will be determined on his fate this Wednesday, around 15 p.m. And on this occasion, it is his future within the government that will take shape.

Will Éric Dupond-Moretti be convicted or acquitted? The Minister of Justice will know this Wednesday at 15 p.m. the verdict of his trial, which took place between November 6 and 16. The Court of Justice of the Republic, composed of three magistrates and 12 members of parliament, is due to try the Minister of Justice on suspicion of illegal acquisition of interests. The prosecution had asked for a one-year suspended prison sentence for the minister.

>> READ ALSO - Dupond-Moretti trial: the disturbing testimony of a former adviser to Emmanuel Macron

But for the latter, it is out of the question to show any sign of feverishness. "He is approaching this day in a serene manner," his entourage said, in the same words as at the opening of his trial in early November.

"We don't make scenarios," said a source close to the minister

Yet, the judgment, whatever it may be, will inevitably leave an indelible mark. Acquitted, the minister would have to work again with the same people who put him in the dock. If convicted, he would most likely be forced to leave his ministry, because for Élisabeth Borne, "the rule is clear": a conviction requires a resignation.

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"We're not making scenarios, we'll advise," says a person close to Éric Dupond-Moretti. It must be said that the former tenor of the bar has a strong support, that of Emmanuel Macron. "On this issue, the president is less firm than the prime minister," admits a person close to the head of state. Here's how the fate of the Minister of Justice could become a dividing line between the Élysée and Matignon.