Teller Report

"Abu Obeida"... And how to defeat the "occupation" in psychological warfare

11/29/2023, 8:18:08 AM

Highlights: "Abu Obeida"... And how to defeat the "occupation" in psychological warfare. With the implementation of the "Al-Aqsa Flood", it seemed that the "resistance" has a very effective media plan - despite its simplicity - based on the idea of documentation. The four weeks that lasted for the "ground operation" – the occupation army against the steadfast Gaza Strip (October 27 – November 24) – witnessed a unique intensification and diversification of "media" strikes, which were launched by the resistance.

With the implementation of the "Al-Aqsa Flood", it seemed that the "resistance" has a very effective media plan - despite its simplicity - based on the idea of documentation.

Abu Obeida, military spokesman for the Qassam Brigades, on a video broadcast by the movement's media office on its platforms (AFP)

The barbaric war declared and waged by the Zionist entity on the Gaza Strip – following the shock of the "Al-Aqsa flood" last October 7 – revealed an amazing development in the capabilities and media skills of the Palestinian resistance.

This showed merit, deep understanding, and understanding of psychology, sociology, and communication – despite the modest capabilities and means – which allowed the resistance to make good use of the Internet, its technological media, and alternative and traditional media to wage a painful and confusing "psychological war" for the "entity", investing and marketing the victories of the resistance in the ground battle with the occupation army on the outskirts of the Gaza Strip, and before it the crushing defeat in the "flood".

Documentation of hostilities

The four weeks that lasted for the "ground operation" – the occupation army against the steadfast Gaza Strip (October 27 – November 24) – witnessed a unique intensification and diversification of "media" strikes, which were launched by the resistance to the "occupation army", which broke the morale of its soldiers and caused sharp divisions between the government, the leaders of the "entity", and its citizens alike.

These media strikes were accompanied by the heavy losses of the occupation army in the hands of the resistance in equipment: the destruction and damage of 335 armored vehicles by the Qassam Brigades, according to its spokesman "Abu Obeida", in addition to what was destroyed by the Al-Quds Brigades and other factions, according to which hundreds of soldiers were killed, and many times as wounded.

With the implementation of the "Al-Aqsa Flood", it seemed that the "resistance" has a very effective media plan - despite its simplicity - based on the idea of video documentation of the strikes and hostilities carried out by the resistance against the army of the Zionist entity, aware of the passion of the pioneers of social networking sites (alternative media), with videos and the high demand for them, as long as the content is distinct, honest, and offers new, away from fabrication.

Thus, the battalions documented the incidents of their incursion into the Israeli army camps in the Gaza envelope, and recorded audio and video clips of the work of controlling these camps, killing and capturing hundreds of soldiers and officers there, and taking them to the Gaza Strip.

Military Media and Clip Radio

The "military media of the Qassam Brigades", led by "Abu Obeida", dealt with high professionalism and professionalism, did not broadcast all the clips at once, opened them search engines, and swallowed them, without showing them to the target audience, so they are not useful, especially, in light of the propaganda against the Zionist entity, the accumulation of events, and global reactions at the time.

Al-Qassam resorted to broadcasting the clips and publishing them at intermittent intervals distributed over several days, which increased their effects and spread globally, like wildfire, exposing inside Israel, the myth of the "invincible army, and the cans to break or penetrate", and in front of the whole universe, and to mobilize Arab public opinion, which is shackled by defeatist regimes.

Exhausting the morale of the soldiers

In this way, the resistance (the Qassam Brigades and the Jerusalem Brigades) documented its clashes and fought the soldiers of the "occupation", and destroyed its vehicles penetrating kilometers inside the Gaza Strip, with conventional "tools and weapons". But it is lethal by the will, doctrine and unrelenting determination of the fighters to victory or martyrdom.

These "media materials" demoralized the Israeli army elements – already destroyed since the flood operation – which resulted in the escape of a complete "secret" from the battlefield, and the army expelled its commander and his deputy from service, fearing the transmission of fleeing infection among the soldiers, and the refusal of thousands of soldiers to join their military units, (according to Hebrew newspapers).

Harsh psychological warfare

All this is supported by the "fiery speeches" of Abu Obeida, who enjoys wide credibility, Arab, international and within the Hebrew state – his statements are translated into Hebrew and elsewhere by activists – as he publishes documented statements from the battlefields. These speeches in themselves are like "psychological bombs" that burn the morale of the entire Zionist entity, striking at all its components.

The words of "Abu Obeida", inflamed the feelings of the free, and pushed everyone to wait for his appearances, to find out the news with certainty about the battles and fighting with the occupation army, despite this, did not go overboard, does not appear, only to announce new.

Abu Obeida, along with the military media of the resistance, practiced a "cruel psychological warfare," according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

From this war, Abu Obeida announced more than once that the "resistance" wants to release Israeli civilian prisoners as soon as the appropriate security conditions are available, but the arrogance of "Netanyahu and his Zionist comrades" extremists hinders this, and pushes them to brutally attack Gaza, hoping to bring the resistance to its knees, which contributed to stirring up Israeli public opinion against Netanyahu.

Removing slanders

All this, with the videos of the Israeli prisoners published by the Qassam Brigades, in which they attacked Netanyahu, for his failure to free them, which ignited the Israeli interior, provoked a movement and sharp division, and prompted the families of the prisoners to protest against "Netanyahu", which eventually forced him - forced - to enter into a deal to exchange prisoners, and accept the conditions of "Hamas" that cracked heads, with his stubborn statements about erasing them from existence.

The "occupation state" succeeded in promoting lies and slanders that stigmatize Hamas and its fighters as terrorists and ISIS, against the backdrop of the "Al-Aqsa flood", with the participation of US President Joe Biden personally, who repeated the Israeli allegations without evidence or shame, along with European leaders and politicians, and behind them all Western media, biased and racist, lacking professional honor.

However, these fabrications and lies have faded and have been removed by the images of the Israeli prisoners bidding farewell to the Qassam fighters with affection, affection, and sincerity when they leave Gaza - in full view of the whole world -, in implementation of the prisoner exchange deal, as well as the testimonies of prisoners to the Hebrew media, about the good morals of the "Qassam" and their care for them. Therefore, the occupation decided to prevent Israeli prisoners and their families from dealing with the media.

The "resistance" has achieved a great and well-deserved victory in its fierce and painful psychological war of the Zionist occupation. I defeated him despite his superiority in falsifying awareness and misinformation, and in this kind of war, but he believed in the justice of the cause, armed with knowledge, and strong determination.

Glory to the resistance.