Teller Report

Will Argentina's new president announce his conversion to Judaism from Tel Aviv?

11/28/2023, 6:07:10 AM

Highlights: Will Argentina's new president announce his conversion to Judaism from Tel Aviv?. Milley hinted this week — from Rabbi Lubavich's holy tomb in New York — that an important decision on his faith would soon be announced. Argentine President-elect Javier Mele is a noisy phenomenon, not only politically, but even religiously. The young Pentecostal man caused much controversy because of his religious ideas, which did not find in Christianity a space to satisfy his confusion, and he fell into the arms of the current of "Messianic Judaism"

Milley hinted this week — from Rabbi Lubavich's holy tomb in New York — that an important decision on his faith would soon be announced.

Argentine President-elect Javier Mele (Reuters)

The personality of Argentina's newly elected president, Javier Milley, has been associated with features that have made him a noisy phenomenon, not only politically, but even religiously. The young Pentecostal man caused much controversy because of his religious ideas, which did not find in Christianity a space to satisfy his confusion, and he fell into the arms of the current of "Messianic Judaism".

Milley hinted this week — from Rabbi Lubavich's holy tomb in New York — that an important decision on his faith would soon be announced.

This is understood by some as officially converting to Judaism, and most likely from Tel Aviv, his third stop on his first trip abroad, after winning the presidential election days ago over his opponent, the current Economy Minister Sergio Massa, by 12 points.

The visit to the tomb of Rabbi Lubavich - considered by many Jews to have divine miracles - is part part of a tour that Milley described as spiritual, and the rest as diplomatic and economic in Washington, then Tel Aviv and, if conditions permit, he told Argentine websites last week.

In fact, President-elect Milley has a story with Rabbi Lubavich's holy tomb, which most Jews see as conclusive new evidence of the rabbi's miracles. The current visit is the second of its kind this year, after the first last July, when Milley begged the rabbi's blessing to win the Argentine presidential primaries (a round that precedes the two official rounds), and said that he had confided to him a special promise, which he would fulfill if his wish to win the final second round was fulfilled.

Milley stated that his second visit was to thank the Lord and the rabbi who gave him "knowledge and a tongue that does not stutter," and that he committed to return before taking office, to inform him of the fulfillment of the covenant he had made soon.

The Israeli newspaper "Kfar Jabal" reported that President-elect Milley does not lack the announcement of his conversion to Judaism except for one simple stage, and even the stage of circumcision, took place earlier.

His relationship with his parents

Milley's remarkable interest in Judaism does not necessarily mean greed for support from Argentina's Jewish community (about 250,<> people), but it probably stems from his "out-of-group" thinking in many areas, whether economic, political or even familial.

For example, a man professes that he has been interrupted by his parents for many years, and considers them dead because of his harsh childhood, in a society that still respects the status of parents. In addition, he did not announce his romantic attachment with any woman, until before the final round of the elections, when one of the channels presented him with a comedian and dancer, on the basis that she is his lover, and that she will be the first lady if he wins the elections, but her personality almost disappeared after his victory.

Another thing that reflects the great rapprochement between President-elect Milley and the symbols of the Jewish religion in the Americas is his selection of Gerardo Werten as Argentina's ambassador to Washington, one of the four people accompanying Milley on his current tour.

In addition to being part of one of Argentina's most financially powerful families, Werten is his brother Adrian, president of the Jewish Council of Latin America, which is closely linked to the Jewish Council of the United States, one of the most powerful Jewish organizations in the world.

This means, according to Argentine analysts, that the Jewish community in the American continent, with its financial clout, will be on the side of President-elect Milley, through thick and thin.

Curiously, the news of Milley's visit to Israel and the United States was overshadowed by Argentine media coverage, but the focus on the first leg of the visit, in New York - which lasted a few hours - overshadowed the rest of the stations, and only talked about the second station in Washington, without referring to the third station for Israel.

This has led some public opinion to wonder whether Milley's visit might be cancelled or postponed, as evidenced by the omission of talk about it in the media itself, which cheered it. But a call from the Israeli ambassador to Argentina with A24 dispelled those doubts and assured the broadcaster, who also seemed thirsty for clarification, that Israel welcomed Milley, as well as all the allies who visited, even if the conditions were not favorable at the present time, and that her government expressed its happiness with Milley's victory, and thanked him for his confidence in being considered the strongest future partner in his government.

Interestingly, the ambassador mentioned several names of world leaders who recently visited Israel to support it in its plight, and he did not mention the Spanish prime minister or his Belgian counterpart, who upset Israel with their positions on the repercussions of the recent Gaza events.

The first Jewish president

It is likely, then, that President Milley will be a guest of Israel, these days, and announce to the Israeli government the activation of his electoral promise with the decision to move the Argentine embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, as soon as he officially assumes the presidency, and perhaps also announce his conversion to Judaism from there, becoming the first Argentine Jewish president, thus revealing the promise he made to Rabbi Lubavich in front of his tomb in New York.

Although President-elect Milley's visit to the United States and then to Israel comes at a time when the economic issue of Argentina is the most important issue determining the future of Argentines - in light of an unprecedented financial and social crisis - the religious issue of Milley's personality captured the attention of the media, which took it upon themselves to inflate Milley's image as a presidential candidate, and now she continues to numb public opinion by directing its attention to topics such as "miracles" and the revival of the "messianic current" in the Jewish religion.

Curiously, the media itself is covering the dates of the second leg of Milley's visit in Washington with representatives of the International Monetary Fund and the rest of the international financial institutions, with optimism.

Milley took with him his next economy minister, Luis Caputo, who everyone knows was the head of the central bank and the finance minister who implicated Argentina in the largest $57 million IMF loan under former President Macri's government!

A little-known digital media site asked after the news broke: "If Millie, who is proud to call himself 'crazy,' could all his voters be crazy?"

Javier Milley (centre) in front of the tomb of Rabbi Lubavich in New York (website of the Argentine channel of Lanación Mas)