Teller Report

Tough for home care services in Robertsfors in the snow chaos: "We have had to cancel visits"

11/28/2023, 3:28:07 PM

Highlights: The snow chaos along the coast has made it difficult for the home care services in Robertsfors to get to the homes of users. During the day, they have had to cancel home visits and instead call home to users to check in and talk. Those who have been in need of home visits have been prioritized. Watch as they try to shovel their way free in the video below. The home care service's parking lot is not ploughed, so they can't get in and out with the cars.

During the day, the home care service in Robertsfors has had a tough time getting around in the snow chaos – visits have been cancelled and replaced by supervision over the phone. "It's not ploughed, so we can't get in and out with the cars," she says, says Ing-Marie Stefanusson at Robertsfors home care service.

The snow chaos along the coast has made it difficult for the home care services in Robertsfors to get to the homes of users. During the day, they have had to cancel home visits and instead call home to users to check in and talk. Those who have been in need of home visits have been prioritized.

"Some people have to be supervised every day, and they are the ones we have concentrated on finding," says Ing-Marie Stefanusson at the home care service in Robertsfors.

Stuck in the snow

One of the employees who had difficulty getting around was Jesper Edén, who drove straight into a snow edge with his work truck and got stuck – right next to the home care service's parking lot.

"I didn't see the edge when I arrived," he says.

Watch as they try to shovel their way free in the video.