Teller Report

The guilt complex and qualitative superiority. How do we explain this massive Western support for Israel?

11/28/2023, 2:27:07 PM

Highlights: U.S.-Western support for Israel is diverse and has many forms, including political support. The West found in the establishment of an Israeli state in the region what achieves this purpose. Israel is a strange entity that separates Africa from West Asia, preventing any bloc of a federal or confederal alliance. The reasons that push the West to support Israel - and align with it - may seem multiple, intertwined and mutually supportive, endlessly supporting that makes Israel flout all the international laws and American and Western controls.

Considering the State of Israel as a Western base in the region that provides the West with protection at the lowest financial and human cost, it is also a strange entity that separates Africa from West Asia, preventing any bloc of a federal or confederal alliance.

U.S. President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Reuters)

The Eisenhower Declaration in 1957, which inaugurated the beginning of the American rise and decline of the British and French empires, since that date the countries of the old continent have become in most of their foreign policies subordinate to the American position on the current events in the Middle East, so when we talk about the Western position, we are talking about the American position, and the subsequent similar European positions mostly.

Some forms of support

U.S.-Western support for Israel is diverse and has many forms, including political support; the United States recognized de facto immediately after the declaration of the establishment of the State of Israel, and then legally recognized it after the first Israeli elections were held in January 1949.

America has also supported Israel in the Security Council, using the veto power of the five permanent members of the Security Council since its establishment 88 times, 43 times in the face of resolutions submitted against Israel and its practices in occupied Palestine.

The United States also provides significant financial and military support to the State of Israel, as the financial support - since the establishment of the State of Israel until 2023 - amounted to about 158.6 billion dollars, the largest part of which is spent for military support that guarantees Israel superiority in the region, as military aid amounted to about 124.4 billion, or 78% of the value of US aid to Israel, and Israel is provided with advanced weapons that are not granted to other countries in the region, in addition to the volume of economic support of 34.2 A billion dollars – throughout American history – to Israel.

Since the announcement of Hamas' operations on the seventh of October, American support for Israel and the green light for its operations began unlimitedly, as 14.3 billion were allocated for military support to Israel, and two groups of aircraft carriers equipped with 150 warplanes were moved, in addition to moving a nuclear submarine, and providing significant political support; As a Zionist too.

French President Macron arrived and announced his readiness to form an international coalition against Hamas, such as the coalition that fought ISIS, and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak arrived, and declared his support for the Israelis in their darkest times, as he described.

Bias motives

This Western support for Israel; how can it be explained? And in what context does it come?

The reasons that push the West to support Israel - and align with it - may seem multiple, intertwined and mutually supportive, endlessly supporting that makes Israel flout all the international laws and American and Western controls that these countries put in their relations with other countries and armament, and the most important of these reasons can be summarized as follows:

Israel is a functional state

America and the West have great material interests in the Middle East, and the backbone of these interests are the waterways that connect the Arabian Gulf to the Arabian Sea to the Red Sea, through the Bab al-Mandab Strait in the Suez Canal, the Mediterranean Sea, and then the Atlantic Ocean.

The conflict over these waterways and ports began since the BC period between the great powers at that time, and with the modern industrial revolution, competition for these corridors has become greater to ensure the flow of energy represented by oil from the Arab Gulf countries, and the flow of goods to and from the Middle East and the Indian continent.

The West found in the establishment of an Israeli state in the region what achieves this purpose, and to consider the State of Israel as a Western base in the region that provides it with protection at the lowest financial and human cost, as it is a strange entity that separates Africa from West Asia, preventing any bloc of a federal or confederal alliance, or a strong Arab state that constitutes an Arab project that competes with the Western project in the region.

Religious motive

An important part and driver of Western support for Israel is the religious motive, although Western countries are secular countries, but politicians use religion as a card that can be used to serve the interests of their countries and their political interests, since the priest - and monk - and professor of German theology - Martin Luther established the Protestant movement has become a revolution against the Catholic Church, and a major step in the Judaization of Christianity.

This movement advocated a return to the Bible as the primary source of catechism, and consequently, Protestants relied heavily on the texts of the Old Testament (the Torah and the Jewish scriptures), as well as the New Testament. This means that certain Protestant practices and interpretations may reflect respect and appreciation for the Jewish origins of Christianity. As a result, there are many branches of Protestantism that support Christian Zionism working for the return of the Jewish people to Palestine, and Jewish sovereignty over the Holy Land in Palestine.

The influential Jewish lobby in America: Jews constitute an estimated 8 million people; they constitute in the United States the largest concentration of Jews in the world after Israel, and they represent 1.7 percent of the total population of the United States, where the Jewish lobby - which tries to direct American foreign policy in a way that supports and works for the State of Israel - consists of 34 organizations active in the United States.

Western feeling of guilt complex

The idea of creating a Jewish national in Palestine was hundreds of years before the Balfour Declaration, and Napoleon was the first European politician to openly advocate the establishment of a Jewish national home on the land of Palestine, even if it was not primarily a call for a sovereign Jewish state, but was seen as an attempt to win Jewish support in his campaign against the Ottomans. The modern Zionist movement, which advocated the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine, began in its well-known form in the late nineteenth century, led by figures such as Theodor Herzl. The Balfour Declaration was the practical and executive step for all the calls that preceded it.

But this sympathy for Israel took another turn after World War II, the rise of Nazism and the so-called Holocaust or genocide of six million Jews, as this narrative was exploited to turn it into a guilt complex for Western people, a complex that gives Zionism to play the role of victim, which allows it to do whatever it wants under the pressure of sympathy and oppression and the rise of the term anti-Semitism to become a sacred and sin doctrine that is forbidden to approach in the Western mentality.

Israel is a cultural and value extension of the West

Israel presents itself as a secular state that sponsors Western freedoms and culture in the region, although its founders invested in the Protestant and Jewish religious narrative to contribute to the establishment of a national home for the Jews, but Israel still boasts that it is the only secular democratic state in the region, and it represents the head and vanguard of the successful Western project in the Middle East, which makes it imperative for the West to succeed and support this project, especially in light of the failure of any democratic model, and the failure to repeat the Japanese model in the region, the model that the West succeeded in In transforming Japan from an enemy state to the West's most important ally in Asia.

Qualitative superiority

The Zionist movement realized that the numerical minority of Jews in the world must be compensated for in qualitative superiority in all fields - especially in the humanities - so many of them went to study the most influential humanitarian disciplines in the field of politics, law and media, as a published study indicates that one of the most reasons for the American people's sympathy for Israel is: "what they saw or read in the media, and by 30 to 35 percent", as the Zionist narrative and media power were able to be the closest to The Western listener ear and the closest to the formation of their personal convictions is a narrative that presents Israel as a civilized, peace-loving state, located in a region that bears a lot of hatred and hostility, which represents hatred and hostility to the Western model and pattern in the Middle East.

The End of Western Support for Israel

If there is a complex and intertwined environment that achieves Western support for Israel, when can this support end, or become less severe and biased? This depends on several factors, the most important of which are:

Democratic Transition in the Region

The democratic transition in the region and the rule of the Arab people for themselves will end the Israeli narrative as the only civilized country in the region, and the leaders coming from the womb of the Fund will make the leaders in the region manage their interests with America away from the logic of dependence and the need to take Western legitimacy in assuming power, which makes the relationship with the West and America parallel, in a way that preserves the interests of Arab countries at the expense of Israel, and this explains Israel's endless support for the counter-revolutions against the Arab Spring.

Interest Motive

America wants the Arab countries - and the Middle East - to be its partner in the struggle for influence with China, and when America feels that Israel has become a burden on it in its relationship with the Middle East, it will abandon Israel, and so that America does not find itself in front of this option, it has worked in the last decade on the idea of integrating Arab countries to be friends with the Israeli-American project, and to establish a single alliance that serves and helps America in a conflict. Influence with China, and limits Iranian influence in the region; therefore, the wheel of American support for the normalization of Arab-Israeli relations accelerated in the last stage, at the same time America was raising the problem of the Uighur Muslim minority in China.

Establishing an Arab and Islamic lobby

Approximately 5 million Muslims live in the United States of America, constituting 1.1 percent of the total population in it, although there is an Islamic lobby "Kirbak", but it is still in the beginnings of its formation and building its infrastructure; a weak lobby compared to the Jewish lobby, and it is a lobby that suffers from scarcity and lack of financial resources, and its expansion and spread of influence prevents the disparities of Islamic groups; but making more efforts and investing in these similar lobbies can achieve something influential in politics. American foreign policy and Western policies.

Social Media Investment

The birth of social networking sites had a major role in managing the shift of sympathy of modern Western generations with the Palestinian cause, as all opinion polls indicated that American youth have become more sympathetic to the Palestinian cause than before, and the Western left has a clear activity in supporting the Palestinian cause, but this has not reached the extent that Western policies towards the Palestinian cause can change, especially In the absence of a unified Arab narrative and demands towards the Palestinian cause.