Teller Report

The father, the true (and unknown) star of the Pombo family: this has been the premiere of his documentary

11/28/2023, 4:37:21 PM

Highlights: Universo Pombo is a documentary about the family life of influencer María Pombo. The series premieres on Monday at Florida Park in Buenos Aires. María says she wants her followers to "identify with" her family. The show will also touch on the subject of María and Pablo Castellano's marital crisis. "Couples have good days and bad days, but that doesn't mean you consider breaking up with the relationship," says Castellanos.

For months, María Pombo denied that she was making a documentary. He avoided questions, answered evasively, and even got angry when reporters asked him...

  • Universo Pombo: inaccessible to the media despite narrating his life on Instagram
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For months, María Pombo denied that she was making a documentary. She avoided questions, answered evasively, and even got angry when reporters asked her about the cameras that followed her. But the rumors were true: there was indeed a series and Amazon Prime confirmed it on November 3. The trailer was unveiled a week ago, when the influencer herself made the plot public.

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To the surprise of many, Pombo – as the production is called – is not only about the content creator, but about her entire family: about María herself, her husband Pablo Castellano and their two children; about Marta Pombo, Luis Zamalloa and their little Matilda; about Lucía Pombo and Álvaro López Huerta; about Víctor Pombo and Teresa Ribó -the parents of the well-known sisters-, their grandmother (also called Teresa) and about Gabriela Toral, the daughter of Marcia, a woman who has worked for years in the Pombo household.

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Since their presence in the docureality was revealed, each member of the family has maintained extreme discretion. Until, this Monday, when at the premiere at Florida Park, the Pombos told everything. María, who normally talks to very few media, decided to open up to all the press and reveal that she hopes that, finally, people can see that her life with her family is "very normal". "I want my followers to say 'I identify with them,'" he told LOC.

"Before I got here, I was a little nervous. But now the nerves have melted away, because my whole family is with me. My parents and grandmother are there and I feel very happy. I used to be wary of talking about my relatives. I'm more than used to them talking about me, but at first it hurt me that they talked about mine. Now I'm psychologically prepared," she said.

María Pombo and Pablo Castellano.GTRES

According to Maria, the essence of Pombo is to show reality as it is, without sugarcoating it. People tend to compare their lives to that of influencers, not knowing that there is a lot behind it. And in this docureality you show what you don't see," he explained. In fact, María agreed to show part of the birth of her second daughter, Vega, and the day-to-day life of her firstborn Martín. "Martín sees it as normal that there are cameras. I think he even believes that's something that every family has," she said.

On the other hand, Pombo will touch on the subject of María and Castellano's marital crisis. "People romanticize our relationship. Of course, we have a wonderful, incredible relationship that is based on love, affection and respect. But, as everywhere, there are moments that are not so good. There are stages where you go down and then you go up. It's like a roller coaster... And of course, when you're 24/7 with a person, there are better and worse moments," he told LOC.

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"Couples have good days and bad days, but that doesn't mean you consider breaking up with the relationship. On the contrary, crises are what make you stronger," said Castellano, who also mentioned thatit took him a little longer to let the cameras into his home. However, he admits that he felt "freer" when he saw that the whole family was reacting very well. Above all, Papin, the patriarch of the family. "He's the star of Pombo," Castellano said.

"My father-in-law is incredible. He's the character you're going to like the most. It's so easy to make people laugh that it blew my mind. That's why I get along so well with him. We have a lot in common. For example, the same humor, the same desire to enjoy. In fact, in this series the humor of both is taken to a thousand. And I'm always like that, on my social networks, but here you're going to get to know me a little more," said Álvaro López Huerta, Lucía Pombo's husband.

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For Lucía, her father is also the undisputed protagonist of Pombo. But she also wants to highlight the role of her grandmother, who blew them all away. "My grandmother had been hospitalized for two days, three hours ago she was discharged and now she is here. AndI'm proud to have her on our side, because this documentary means a lot. Recording this has been a way to immortalize our past and show that we are all always in the same boat," he explained.

"We promise you that at Pombo we show ourselves as we are: very real. For example, people tend to believe that I transmit a lot of peace and here they will see that I do not transmit so much peace. We also deal with many issues honestly. Like motherhood, which maybe isn't for me. I want to be a mother, but I'm getting further and further behind. I never thought that at 34 years old I wouldn't have children and now I surprise myself," she said.

Marta Pombo and Luis Zamalloa.GTRES

Unlike Lucia, Marta Pombo is excited about motherhood. In June 2022, she gave birth to Matilda and now she wants more children. I believe that there is no greater happiness than the one I feel now. We've had a wonderful year: we're getting married, we're shooting Pombo, we're calm, Matilda is growing up and we want more kids. I want three and Luis wants two... But we'll see who wins!" he told La Otra Crónica, with his characteristic spontaneity.

"I am the way I am and in Pombo it will be seen. I'm happy with how everything turned out. But, in some situations, I've found myself a little out of myself and I'm embarrassed. Usually, I'm very me... But when I saw the documentary, I was surprised. Still, I like the result. You're going to see us closer and you're going to get to know more about us... And our stories," she said, looking at her husband who led an anonymous life until 2021.

The grandmother and mother of the Pombo.GTRES

"I used to work as a dentist in a doctor's office and now I'm involved in all this. And yes, it's exciting. I feel like you would feel if you were in my shoes. It's unbelievable, I feel blown away. But I'm enjoying the life, the experience and all the opportunities. I think this documentary is going to be very popular. You're going to freak out with Papin. Although, for me, the one who stands out the most is Gabriela," Zamalloa revealed about the "adoptive sister" of the Pombos.

"I'm very extroverted, but I don't show my personality much on social media. Sometimes I get into Instagram and the next day I feel like it. That's why I never thought I could be a part of something like this. In my day-to-day life, surreal and random things happen to me. But this is not very normal, so I'm very happy. It's been amazing to shoot Pombo with the whole family and with my sisters," he said.

For Gaby, as she is called, Maria, Marta and Lucia are the three fundamental pillars of her life. Even the Pombos have given him his three best experiences: the documentary and two trips abroad. "I was a packet in English since I've been a dwarf. He never approved. So when I was 16, they gave me a trip to the United States to study the language and the following year sent me to Canada... And yes, I have learned, finally! A lot," he concluded.

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