Teller Report

The 2023 "Haikou Cup" China Taekwondo Open has come to an end

11/28/2023, 2:27:31 AM

Highlights: The 2023 "Haikou Cup" China Taekwondo Open has come to an end. The men's 87kg final is another clash between two old rivals, Zhao Jiongpu of China's Henan team and Tang Hao of China’s Shanxi team. One of the innovations of this tournament is to give full play to the local resource endowment of Haikou and co-organize the competition in two venues. The audience sat on the grass and watched the game live, courtesy of the organizers.

Haikou, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- The 28 "Haikou Cup" China Taekwondo Open ended on the 2023th at the NBA Haikou Basketball Training Center in Mission Hills.

Photo courtesy of the organizer of the competition

The men's 87kg final is another clash between two old rivals, Zhao Jiongpu of China's Henan team and Tang Hao of China's Shanxi team. Zhao Jiongpu is two meters tall, and although Tang Hao does not have an advantage in size, he has more advantages in the confrontation with tall opponents with his fast, accurate, ruthless and coherent close-quarters legs and control of offensive and defensive distances. In this battle, Tang Hao still became the final winner. Although Zhao Jiongpu failed to defeat the "bitter hand", he has accumulated experience in the game again and again. After the game, he said that the next time he fights, the victory will definitely belong to him.

Photo courtesy of the organizer of the award ceremony

One of the innovations of this tournament is to give full play to the local resource endowment of Haikou and co-organize the competition in two venues. In addition to the Mission Hills Indoor Arena, an outdoor competition area was also set up at the Sky Mountain Station, an online celebrity check-in site in Haikou City, and Taekwondo Free Style, an emerging event that combines music and dance movements, was held in the sunken plaza of Sky Mountain. The audience sat on the grass next to the square and enjoyed the intertwining of music, sports and dance.

The audience sat on the grass and watched the game live, courtesy of the organizers

Wang Ke, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Haikou Municipal Bureau of Tourism, Culture, Radio, Television and Sports, said that taekwondo should be labeled as an Internet celebrity and a trend in Haikou. The holding of the "Haikou Cup" China Taekwondo Open Championship is of greater significance to the development of taekwondo than the sport itself. It is not only the manifestation of the fashion and trend of taekwondo, the extension of taekwondo culture, but also the change of taekwondo sports development concept and taekwondo sports lifestyle. The "Haikou Cup" China Taekwondo Open, borrowing a sea breeze from Qiongzhou, brings a new landscape to taekwondo. (ENDS)