Teller Report

Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Suzuki "Very regrettable" leak of information on LINE users

11/28/2023, 2:07:42 AM

Highlights: Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Suzuki "Very regrettable" leak of information on LINE users.LINE Yahoo Japan announced on the 27th that about 44,<> information such as information of LINE users may have been leaked. Minister Suzuki said, "It is very regrettable that there have been incidents in which user information has not been sufficiently protected," and expressed his intention to call for thorough prevention of recurrence. The LINE Yahoo Japan system was also illegally accessed, the company said.

【NHK】 Regarding the possibility that about 44,<> information such as LINE user information was leaked due to unauthorized access, Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Suzuki said, "Protection of user information ...

Regarding the possibility that approximately 44,<> information on LINE users may have been leaked due to unauthorized access, Minister Suzuki said, "It is very regrettable that there have been incidents in which user information has not been sufficiently protected," and expressed his intention to call for thorough prevention of recurrence.

LINE Yahoo Japan announced on the 27th that about 44,<> information such as information of LINE users may have been leaked.

Last month, the South Korean IT company Naver, which is a major shareholder, said that its outsourced company was subjected to a cyberattack, and that the LINE Yahoo Japan system was also illegally accessed.

Speaking to reporters after the Cabinet meeting on the 28th, Minister Suzuki said, "It is very regrettable that there has been another incident in which the protection of user information has not been adequately taken in telecommunications services, which have become an important infrastructure for people's lives."

Based on a detailed report from the company regarding the cause, he indicated that he would call for thorough measures to prevent recurrence.

In August, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) issued administrative guidance to Yahoo Japan before the merger, claiming that it had provided location information data obtained from users' smartphones and other devices to another company without sufficient dissemination.