Teller Report

Kovalchuk: The West hates Putin for not allowing Russia to be dismembered

11/28/2023, 1:08:16 PM

Highlights: Kovalchuk: The West hates Putin for not allowing Russia to be dismembered. Head of the National Research Center Kurchatov Institute said that Western countries hate Russia, as well as Russian Vladimir Putin personally. As he noted at the session on nature-like technologies of the III Congress of Young Scientists in the federal territory of Sirius, the West sees Russia exclusively as its own source of resources. Earlier, Columbia University professor Jeffrey Sachs said that Americans inherited their Russophobia from the British Empire.

Mikhail Kovalchuk, head of the National Research Center Kurchatov Institute, said that Western countries hate Russia, as well as Russian Vladimir Putin personally, for not allowing them to implement the strategy of dismembering the country in order to extract its natural resources.

As he noted at the session on nature-like technologies of the III Congress of Young Scientists in the federal territory of Sirius, the West sees Russia exclusively as its own source of resources.

"Why is there such hatred for us and for our leader personally? Because he broke what they had been building for decades," RIA Novosti quoted him as saying.

As Kovalchuk noted, Western countries have already divided the country by analogy with Yugoslavia.

"And suddenly it turned out that this was not the case. It didn't happen the way they wanted. That's why there is such a deep-seated hatred," he added.

Earlier, Columbia University professor Jeffrey Sachs said that Americans inherited their Russophobia from the British Empire.