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Interpretation of hot issues in the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases in winter How to see a doctor for children with respiratory tract infections

11/28/2023, 1:37:41 AM

Highlights: The number of pediatric outpatient and emergency departments in some hospitals has increased significantly. If the baby has a history of febrile seizures, has a recurrent high fever or does not go away, and has poor mental status such as feeding difficulties, drowsiness, and irritability, it is necessary to consider seeing a doctor. Parents must find out the exact weight of their children before taking their children to the doctor. Proper coughing is beneficial, and parents don't have to be too nervous.

How to see a doctor for children with respiratory tract infections - Interpretation of hot issues in the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases in winter VI

◎ Reporter Dai Xiaopei

Recently, with the increase in the number of respiratory infections in children, the number of pediatric outpatient and emergency departments in some hospitals has increased significantly.

When should parents bring their child to the doctor if they have symptoms of a suspected respiratory infection? What do I need to pay attention to during my appointment?

Yu Lei, deputy chief physician of the Department of Infection Management and Disease Prevention and Control at the Capital Institute of Pediatrics, said: "Whether you want to take your child to the hospital or not, you can look at two main indicators - body temperature and mental state. If the baby has a history of febrile seizures, has a recurrent high fever or does not go away, and has poor mental status such as feeding difficulties, drowsiness, and irritability, it is necessary to consider seeing a doctor. The younger your child gets, the more important it is to keep an eye on these two indicators. ”

"When you go to the hospital, you must wear a mask for your baby, which is the best way to avoid cross-infection. If it's a small baby, you can wear a protective hood. Hou Jun, deputy chief physician of the Department of Infection Management and Disease Prevention and Control of the Capital Institute of Pediatrics, said.

Hou Jun said that it is best to bring some emergency medicines when taking children to the doctor, "It is recommended that parents bring their own antipyretic medicine to prevent children from having a high fever and causing convulsions while waiting for the doctor, especially children with a history of febrile convulsions." Alternatively, you can bring some food, warm water and toys. Communicate with your child before the appointment to relieve your child's anxiety and fear. ”

How to communicate effectively with a doctor in a short time during a short medical visit? Hou Jun said that if the baby has symptoms of suspected respiratory tract infection, parents can first record the baby's main symptoms, such as body temperature, cough frequency, whether it is accompanied by phlegm, wheezing and mental state, etc., and the doctor can quickly and accurately grasp the child's condition through the above records.

"Another point is very important, parents must find out the exact weight of their children before taking their children to the doctor." Hou Jun emphasized, "The medication of children is different from that of adults, and the dosage of some medicines needs to be calculated according to the weight of the child. ”

Yu Lei also suggested that the child's daily main caregiver should accompany the doctor, which will help the doctor grasp the child's daily basic situation.

If my cough persists after my fever has subsided due to a respiratory infection, is it necessary to see a doctor again?

"Persistent cough may be due to airway hyperreactivity, that is, the trachea is more sensitive and coughs easily." Hou Jun said that if the child's cough is not very severe and frequent, it can be observed first. If the cough gradually subsides, there is no need to go to the hospital again. If the cough is very severe and lasts for a long time, see your doctor again.

"Coughing is a symptom and a protective reflex that can help remove 'garbage' from the respiratory tract, such as microorganisms, inhaled particles and secretions from inflammation," Yu said. Proper coughing is beneficial, and parents don't have to be too nervous. ”

Wang Quan, chief physician of Beijing Children's Hospital, also said that if the child's fever and cough did not worsen, there was no need to go to the hospital repeatedly. She also does not recommend that parents give their children cough suppressants, because the baby's cough ability is insufficient, and taking cough suppressants will make it more difficult for secretions to come out, and may even aggravate the condition. If the cough interferes with sleep, it can be relieved with nebulizers or cough and phlegm medicines suitable for your child under the guidance of your doctor.

Yu Lei added: "If you just prescribe medicine to your child, you can use the Internet hospital, and the medicine will be delivered directly to your home. The Internet Hospital is currently only available to returning patients. ”