Teller Report

Gaza monologues in theatres around the world

11/28/2023, 5:48:22 PM

Highlights: Wednesday is the UN Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The Theatre Tribunal in Stockholm wants to show its support for Palestinian cultural workers. The monologues will be read on several stages around the world, including Folkteatern in Gothenburg and Åbo Svenska Teater in Stockholm. "Individual people's stories are extra important now. In circumstances where we rely on analysts and politicians, humanity is easily lost," says the Theatre Tribunal's director, Jonatan Stanczak.

Wednesday is the UN Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. To draw attention to the conflict, the Gaza monologues, with testimonies from young Palestinians, will be read on several Swedish and international theatre stages. The Theatre Tribunal in Stockholm participates in the manifestation and wants to show its support for Palestinian cultural workers with the reading.

The Gaza monologues were produced by the Ashtar Theater in Gaza in 2010 and are based on testimonies from young Palestinians. In connection with the UN Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, the monologues will be read on several stages around the world, including Folkteatern in Gothenburg and Åbo Svenska Teater.

On Thursday, the Theatre Tribunal organizes a demonstration of support with readings from the Gaza monologues, poetry readings, music and direct reports from Palestinian cultural workers in Gaza and the West Bank.

"It's an evening of support for cultural workers and culture in general in Gaza and the West Bank," says the theatre's artistic director Henrik Dahl.

Elevating individual stories

Jonatan Stanczak, from the organization Jews for Israeli-Palestinian Peace, participates in the manifestation at the Tribunal.

"Individual people's stories are extra important now. In circumstances where we rely on analysts and politicians, humanity is easily lost," he says.

Jonatan Stanczak was one of the founders of the Freedom Theatre in the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank in 2006. Since then, the theatre has functioned as a cultural centre and focuses on creating theatre for children and young people.

"I have a great commitment to the work that goes on there. I think it's important to highlight cultural expressions when it's so difficult to talk about what's happening. As a Jew and an Israeli citizen, I feel it is wrong that this is the case, because there are also many Israelis and Jews who are suffering from the Israeli occupation.

What are your thoughts on organizing a support manifestation at a time when the debate is so polarized?

"It's complicated and you have to think about it, but we're an organization that works with Palestinian culture at the Freedom Theatre and it's our mandate to highlight those stories, then there are many stories to highlight in relation to what's going on.