Teller Report

Field visit to the research and development of China's "Pterodactyl" family of UAVs

11/28/2023, 10:57:02 AM

Highlights: The 11 Aviation Industry State-owned Enterprise Open Day series of activities with the theme of "Wings of a Great Power, Dragon Travels the World" was held in Zigong, Sichuan. More than 28 media at the central and provincial levels walked into AVIC UAV to learn about the development and industrial construction and development achievements of domestic large-scale high-end UAVs. The "Pterodactyl" UAV made its first flight in 2007 and has achieved product pedigree and serial development after 16 years of hard work.

Zigong, November 11 (Reporter Liu Zhongjun) On November 28, the 11 Aviation Industry State-owned Enterprise Open Day series of activities with the theme of "Wings of a Great Power, Dragon Travels the World" was held in Zigong, Sichuan. More than 28 media at the central and provincial levels walked into AVIC UAV to learn about the development and industrial construction and development achievements of domestic large-scale high-end UAVs through visits, flight test demonstrations and other forms.

The large "Haiyan" drone in the production hall attracts visitors. Photo by reporter Liu Zhongjun

The reporter walked into the Zigong Aviation Industrial Park, the runway, apron, flight area, supporting construction control tower, terminal complex, navigation station, flight service station and other facilities are well-equipped, which is the key area of the pilot reform of low-altitude airspace in Sichuan Province. Since 2021, AVIC UAVs have gradually carried out production, flight testing, delivery and training, and have initially formed a prototype for the development of industrial clusters.

It is understood that AVIC UAV has laid out two bases in Chengdu and Zigong, with a complete UAV system manufacturing system and various advanced information platforms, with UAV design and manufacturing integration capabilities, and built a number of UAV assembly flexible production lines covering information assembly systems, which is the main base for UAV development and production in China.

Busy workers on the drone production line in the production workshop. Photo by reporter Liu Zhongjun

Walking into the AVIC UAV production plant, there are many Pterodactyl series UAVs parked on the site. Among them, the "Pterodactyl-2" UAV has the ability to perform all-day, all-weather, all-territory, and multi-scenario tasks. "The 'Pterodactyl' family has formed a product pedigree including 'Pterodactyl-1', 'Pterodactyl-2', 'Pterodactyl-3', 'Pterodactyl-10' and other series of platforms, an integrated command system and a generalized comprehensive insurance system." Li Yidong, deputy general manager and chief designer of AVIC UAV, said that the "Pterodactyl" UAV made its first flight in 2007 and has achieved product pedigree and serial development after 16 years of hard work.

On the apron of the airport, the staff inspected and shut down the newly landed "Pterodactyl-2" large UAV. Photo by reporter Liu Zhongjun

At the scene of the flight show, the "Pterodactyl-2" UAV, carrying loads such as photoelectric pods and synthetic aperture radar, drove into the runway autonomously according to the predetermined plan, took off at a short distance, climbed and turned, and flew through the field at low altitude. Subsequently, perform a low-altitude figure-of-eight roundabout. Finally, it descends autonomously and lands smoothly on the runway.

Over the past 10 years, the "Pterodactyl" series of UAVs have realized the road of innovation and development from technological innovation, product innovation to industrial innovation, and established the brand of "Made in China" in this field to compete with the world. At the same time, based on the "Pterodactyl-2" UAV, the "Pterodactyl-2H" meteorological type, the "Pterodactyl-2H" emergency disaster response type, the "Haiyan" II type and other large UAVs have also participated in the emergency rescue of heavy rainfall in Zhengzhou, Henan, the emergency rescue of the Luding earthquake in Sichuan, and the meteorological service guarantee of the Chengdu Universiade.

The large drone "Pterodactyl-2" that is taking off attracts visitors to take pictures. Photo by reporter Liu Zhongjun

Zhang Xiaojun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of AVIC UAV, said that in the future, AVIC UAV will continue to strengthen scientific and technological innovation, mechanism innovation and management innovation, build a UAV system and equipment system with high-end breakthroughs, complete systems and sound capability elements, and build a UAV industry ecosystem with outstanding core capabilities, complete product pedigree, comprehensive openness and integration, and international competitiveness. (ENDS)