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Colleges and universities in many places have carried out the construction of study style, and it is necessary to manage where college students sit in class

11/28/2023, 10:47:37 PM

Highlights: Sitting in the front row can help you be more productive in class, says professor. "It's easy to turn us off by hard and fast rules," he says. "We should have the freedom to choose where we sit in the class" "It is better to increase the "sitting rate" than to reduce it," he adds, "because it is better for the students to be in the same room as the teacher" "We need to change the way we sit, not just the way the students sit," says the professor, "so that we don't look at each other so much"

Recently, colleges and universities in many places across the country have carried out activities to build a style of study, one of the important contents is to check the situation of students sitting in the front row of class, requiring students to give priority to sitting in the front row, and improve the front row seating rate. As soon as this news came out, it sparked heated discussions in the society. So, where do college students want to sit in class? Will parents ask their children to sit in the front row? How do college teachers view this issue? What other ways can a good style of study be established? Let's hear from students, parents, teachers, and school officials.

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Sitting in the front row can help you be more productive

Freshman taro puree

After going to university, you should still focus on your studies, and you can't think that "going to college is easy", and you can't completely let go just because you are admitted to university. Although students sitting in the back row of classes may not be unable to study, some people are certainly not self-disciplined enough, especially after entering a relatively loose university classroom, without the strict discipline and discipline like high school, it is difficult not to bow their heads and play with their mobile phones, let alone listen carefully to the teacher's lectures. I think that if you can sit in the front row in class, you should try to sit in the front row, which will help improve the efficiency of listening to the class, and it can also play a role in supervision, at least the students sitting in the front row dare not blatantly wander.

It is close to the lectern and makes it easy to interact with the teacher

Sophomore Chunsheng

Nowadays, many students like to grab the back seats in class, and the front seats are often empty for several rows. Everyone thinks that sitting in the back is more free, and that they can avoid the teacher's gaze and avoid the questions in class. But if you think about it carefully, we have finally been admitted to the university and can enjoy the high-quality resources of institutions of higher learning, so why not cherish it? Sitting in the front row in class is one of the ways to study well. Because sitting in the front row is closer to the podium, the learning atmosphere is stronger and it is easier to interact with the teacher. The interaction is in place, which can not only help us better understand the teacher's thinking, but also let the teacher understand our mastery, and the classroom effect is better.

It's easy to turn us off by hard and fast rules

Freshman Guo Shengyang

It cannot be denied that sitting in the front row in class is helpful to learning, and many students who sit in the front row of class are indeed excellent. However, if there are hard and fast rules that force us to sit in the front row of class, it is likely to suppress our autonomy in learning, and it is easy for us to become disgusted with the class, and then we will become tired of learning. University education in the new era hopes to cultivate students who can adapt to the needs of the development of the times and have the ability to innovate. It's even harder to produce innovative results!

It is better to increase the "seating rate" in the front row than to increase the "desire to listen to the class"

Second-year graduate student Yang Yaoyao

To improve concentration and learning efficiency, you can't simply look at the sitting situation, not to mention that we will have classes in different classrooms, such as the lecture hall I usually don't choose the front row, because the front row is low, you need to look up at the blackboard, so I prefer to choose a more comfortable position in the middle. In fact, where to sit in class is a personal preference, there is no need to be restricted, and college students are adults and should have the freedom to choose. Instead of increasing the "sitting rate" in the front row, it is better to increase the "desire to listen to classes", and schools should listen to students' opinions and suggestions more and truly understand the needs of students.

Question 1: Will parents ask their children to sit in the front row in class?

Respect your child's choice

Parents of Valley Stroke

Recently, many colleges and universities have included "students do not sit in the front row in class" as a part of the supervision of academic style, which has become a hot topic. As parents, should we also require our children to sit in the front row of class?

Where you sit in class is a reflection of the learning attitude to some extent. According to a 2019 survey, 82.9% of respondents believe that the choice of classroom location has a significant impact on the effectiveness of lectures. As the saying goes, "the building near the water gets the first month", experience tells us that sitting in the front row of class can not only see the teacher's board book more clearly, listen to the teacher's teaching, but also interact with the teacher's questions and answers more conveniently, and eat some "small stoves". Therefore, as parents, most of them want their children to sit in the front row of class and listen to lectures, in order to urge their children to correct their learning attitude and develop the habit of active learning. Especially when it is found that the purpose of the child to avoid the front row is to open up a "self-reserved place" away from the teacher's sight, and to provide convenience for desertion and chatting, then it is even more necessary to cooperate with the school to strengthen supervision and "drive" the child to the front row.

However, we also know that sitting in the front row or the back row is only the "end" for learning, not the "root". To guide and promote students to study seriously, we must not abandon the basics. What determines the student's classroom harvest and learning effect is not where his body sits, but where his heart is placed. If the heart is not in learning, but only forced by the supervision of the school and the supervision of parents, each class sits upright in the front row of the classroom, but the heart is ape during the class, just like the "Mencius" said, "Although listening to it, thinking that there is a great bird is coming, thinking of the bow and shooting it", such a classroom "tool man" is impossible to learn something, let alone learn something. Thinking further, online education is developing rapidly, and in the face of on-screen learning, it doesn't matter at all about the front row and the back row, what is the point of thinking about the tricks to ensure the front row rate?

Therefore, the question of "where to sit in class" should be carefully analyzed and viewed rationally.

First of all, whether to sit in the front row or the back row in class is at best one of the indicators of the student's learning status. It is of course related to learning attitude and study habits, but it is also closely related to the quality of the course. Compared with primary and secondary schools, the university level has greater autonomy in learning and a more diverse curriculum. Correspondingly, college students should be more active in choosing courses. In universities, those attractive and popular courses are often full of people standing outside the window, and the seats in the front row of the classroom are "limited", so you must go early to occupy a seat to grab it. In the first few rows of "door-to-door" classes, there are not a few that are worrying about their quality. In this sense, the student's seat selection is actually a real teaching assessment. If schools and parents indiscriminately force students to sit in the front row, they will instead provide "cover" for some teachers whose teaching quality is not high, which is not conducive to the overall improvement of the school's teaching quality, and will cause greater harm to students' learning in the long run.

Secondly, "where to sit in class" is also related to the child's personality. Some children are introverted by nature, preferring to listen quietly and pondering, and do not like to express themselves more in class, so they sit in the back row without damaging their desire to learn. What's more, with the continuous improvement of the hardware construction of colleges and universities in China, in most classrooms, even if you sit in the back row, you will not be able to hear the teacher's lecture clearly. Whether it is parents, teachers or schools, in the face of such children, there should be a "grace" that allows them to sit in the back row and listen to the class with peace of mind.

Parents are the ones who are most familiar with their child's personality. If I find out that my child is "running away from the front row", I won't make a fuss. In my opinion, instead of simply and rudely asking the child to sit forward, it is better to communicate with the child about life planning and interests, figure out why the child is reluctant to sit in the front row, and then help the child to analyze scientifically and make suggestions, so that the child can choose an efficient listening position that meets the personality, so as to continuously improve the learning effect while maintaining and enhancing the learning initiative.

Question 2: What do university teachers think about the "front row rate"?

"Front row rate" is a high requirement for teachers to teach

Jiang Jingjing, Deputy Dean of the School of Management, Beijing Union University

Responsible university teachers hope that students will not waste their time in class, and hope that students will listen more, learn more, think more, and interact more, so as to improve the "front row rate" in class. However, the modern education viewpoint advocates the construction of a "student-oriented" "three full education" new pattern, the formation of all-round, all-field, all-element talent training system, therefore, the "front row rate" is only a single indicator, compared to sitting in the front row and listening carefully, teachers actually hope to achieve the teaching effect is that students have a sense of gain, through the construction of a teaching platform, the construction of a teaching team, the exploration of teaching reform, truly realize the education and education, and finally realize the fundamental task of cultivating people with virtue.

Objectively speaking, the rationality of the indicator of "front row rate" lies in the fact that it can reflect that students have a stronger willingness to learn and more motivation to learn, and the index is measurable or even partially controllable. Therefore, in the short term, improving the "front row rate" has become a reasonable requirement for optimizing the teaching effect.

However, improving the "front row rate" is not only a problem of the construction of the style of study, but also a requirement for the construction of the style of teaching. On the one hand, improving the "front row rate" is a requirement for students. For example, the motto of Tsinghua University is "self-improvement, virtue and virtue", the motto of Chinese University is "seeking truth from facts", and the motto of Cambridge University is Hinc lucem et pocula sacra (Latin: this place is the place of enlightenment and the source of wisdom), all of which encourage students to be more down-to-earth, more serious in learning, and more in the front row. It is the embodiment of rigorous study style. On the other hand, improving the "front row rate" should also be the pursuit of teachers. Teachers should improve the curriculum construction according to students' evaluation and feedback, and enhance the students' intrinsic real needs to sit in the front row and listen to the class. To put it in layman's terms, if the teacher speaks well, the students will love to listen and will sit in the front row.

From the superficial observation, improving the "front row rate" of college students is to strengthen the construction of learning style and teaching style to urge students to sit in the front row of the classroom and participate in the course learning more actively, so as to optimize the learning effect. In essence, improving the "front row rate" of college students is a requirement for high-quality completion of the fundamental task of cultivating morality, and practical measures should be put forward from multiple dimensions such as teachers, students and even the course itself. Therefore, asking students to sit in the front row is only one thing, but also to ask teachers to walk in, students to come in, and classes to walk out.

When the teacher walks in, he walks into the middle of the students. On the contrary, if teachers can step off the podium and walk among students when designing teaching activities, they can not only shorten the distance between them and students, reduce students' distraction and discipline in the classroom, but also facilitate interaction with students, improve students' attention and enthusiasm.

Students come up to the podium to share. Students are not passive learners, the "student-centered" education and teaching concept requires students to be the beneficiaries and participants of education, and students are invited to fully preview outside of class and share on the stage during class, so as to guide students to subvert the traditional learning process and reconstruct the learning rhythm and strengthen independent learning. Through students taking the podium to share, two major changes are promoted: teachers change from disseminators of knowledge to guides and guides of learning, and students change from passive learners to leaders of learning, so as to form a process of common learning between teachers and students.

When the classroom goes out, that is, out of the campus for practice. The classroom is not limited to the classroom, relying on the "student-centered" education and teaching concept, to promote the formation of the first classroom based on theory and the second classroom based on practice deep integration. Break down the barriers between inside and outside the classroom, inside and outside the school, online and offline, and promote the integration and circulation of theory and practice.

Higher education is a systematic project, which requires the joint exploration and efforts of teachers and students, as well as the guarantee and support of schools and all walks of life. Improving the "front row rate" of college students is a requirement, requiring colleges and universities to promote the common improvement of the style of study and teaching style, and it is also a standard, when the "front row rate" is not forced to increase, it may mean that through continuous exploration and continuous efforts from all walks of life, colleges and universities have achieved phased results in completing the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people with high quality.

Question 3: How to establish a good study style?

To establish a good style of study, it is necessary to treat both the symptoms and the root causes

Zhao Guowei, Education Working Committee of Beijing Municipal Party Committee

Once upon a time, in the ivory tower, some college students did not go to class well, and it was not uncommon for them to be late and leave early. Even if people enter the classroom, they will "grab the back seats without saying a word", no one will sit in the front row of the classroom, and the back row of the classroom is tense.

The style of study is related to the level of a school's ability to run and govern the school, and reflects the students' ideological quality and learning attitude; these strange phenomena in college classrooms fully show that the problem of college students' style of study has indeed reached the point where attention should be paid to it, and it is imperative to establish a fine style of study.

First of all, to establish a good style of study, students need to revolutionize themselves.

A good style of study is a subtle huge and invisible spiritual force, which nurtures and infects students all the time, guides them to study hard and make continuous progress, and inspires them to work hard and grow healthily. The style of study has an important impact on the ideological understanding, behavior mode and mental outlook of college students and groups. Once you develop a good learning style, you can benefit for life.

From undergraduates to master's students to doctoral students, college students must not only learn what they know, but also explore the unknown, learn knowledge, and create knowledge. Learning must become the endogenous motivation of college students, otherwise no amount of external constraints will be effective. To strive for youth, we must establish our own clear learning goals, change "I want to learn" to "I want to learn", and strive to experience and feel the beauty of knowledge and knowledge.

College students should pay attention to classroom teaching, respect for the hard work of teachers, not every university teacher is a master of classroom teaching, some of the experts and professors who are rich in learning and talented, the lectures are not wonderful and vivid, some teachers need a lot of pre-class preparation and preparation, and some teachers are good at guiding students to think about problems and not just teach knowledge, which requires college students to be able to adjust and adapt according to the characteristics of teachers. We must dare to self-revolution, change the old way of learning, we must not continue to follow the method of rote memorization in middle school, and be accustomed to the teaching method of teachers filling the classroom and input, let alone only focusing on the teaching materials to carry out learning, we must do self-learning, conscious learning, love to learn, and be able to learn.

Second, to establish a good style of study, teachers should not stay out of the way.

The emergence of the problem of college students' study style is by no means only a unilateral reason for students, but in fact, it is largely due to the low teaching level of some teachers. Some teachers have won the world with one courseware in class, and there has been no change for several years, and there is no new idea in the whole process, which causes some students to feel tired of learning and lack of passion and motivation for class. However, there are also some courses by famous teachers, and online course selection is almost "seconds", and it is difficult to find one in the classroom, even if it is put on the Internet, it can become a hit.

Teachers are role models for students, and teachers should play an exemplary role, teach by word and deed, and set an example for others. University teachers need to continue to enrich and update their knowledge, old prescriptions are difficult to cure new diseases, "when you have a bucket of water, you can give others a scoop of water", only continuous learning can keep up with the pace of knowledge upgrading and iteration, in order to adapt to the knowledge needs of the new generation.

We can't hope that every university teacher will become a joker and a king of golden sentences, but compared with primary and secondary school teachers, university teachers do need to improve and perfect teaching methods, and improve classroom teaching methods according to students' age, major, knowledge structure, learning foundation, etc., so that they can speak and speak well, and more importantly, they must be able to learn and learn well. Teachers should also pay attention to cultivating and guiding students to establish a good style of study, commend and reward the advanced, spur and encourage the backward, and do not give up on students who have not made any progress, and should use patient and meticulous education to transform, and use school rules and discipline to restrain them.

Third, to establish a good style of study, schools need to treat both the symptoms and the root causes.

The school is an institution dedicated to educating, cultivating and shaping people, and its core function is to cultivate people with virtue and educate people. It is necessary and understandable for universities to take necessary measures to rectify the style of study, but they should not be simplistic and one-size-fits-all, let alone blow a gust of wind and only make superficial statements. Freezing three feet is by no means a day's cold, to establish a good style of study, we need to treat the symptoms, but also to treat the root cause, the school can neither do everything, nor do nothing.

A good style of study needs to be cultivated and practiced, and for students' bad learning behaviors, schools should establish rules and regulations, clarify requirements, and draw red lines; It is necessary to provide positive guidance, typical guidance, and education. School leaders should set an example, strive to be role models for teachers and students, and give full play to and inherit the fine traditions. Schools should pay attention to excavating the educational elements in the school history, school song, and school motto, give full play to the role of cultural education and environmental education, create a good campus cultural environment, and strive to achieve spring breeze and rain, moisturizing things silently. The school should strive to educate all staff in an all-round way, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all subjects, and participate in the construction of the style of study.

In the long run, the school spirit, teaching style, and study style are often integrated. A good style of study is inseparable from a good school spirit and a good style of teaching. When the school spirit is correct, the study style can be strong; If the style of teaching is good, the style of study will be good. On the one hand, schools should pay attention to improving the style of study, and at the same time, they should spend time and energy to improve the school spirit and teaching style. As long as we persist in long-term efforts, persist in treating both the symptoms and the root causes, and establish and improve a long-term management mechanism that conforms to the characteristics of our students, the problem of study style will certainly be improved, and a fine study style will definitely be established.