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China ranks second in the world in the number of new drugs under development, and experts suggest accelerating the construction of a modern pharmaceutical industry system

11/28/2023, 2:47:20 AM

Highlights: China ranks second in the world in the number of new drugs under development. China's pharmaceutical industry is facing new opportunities and challenges. New drugs can help speed up the treatment of stroke and other diseases. The new drugs can also be used to treat cancer, heart disease and other conditions. The drugs can be used in hospitals to treat patients with stroke. They can also help treat cancer and other forms of cancer that have spread to other parts of the body. They have the potential to have a long-term impact on the health of the nation., Beijing, November 11 (Reporter Zhang Su) The 28 China Pharmaceutical Industry Development Conference held a few days ago released data saying that as of now, there are more than 2023,1 pharmaceutical industry enterprises above designated size in China, and the number of new drugs under development ranks second in the world.

Some commentators believe that a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is developing in depth, and the global pharmaceutical industry chain and supply chain are being reshaped at an accelerated pace, and China's pharmaceutical industry is facing new opportunities and challenges.

The overall level of the pharmaceutical industry has jumped to a new level

The pharmaceutical industry is related to the national economy, people's livelihood and economic development. In recent years, China's pharmaceutical industry has accelerated innovation and development, and the overall level has jumped to a new level, especially in strengthening applied basic research and original and leading scientific and technological research.

Chen Kaixian, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that a number of drug varieties and innovation levels independently developed by China have been internationally recognized, and China's drug research and industrial development is entering a new stage.

"We have built new targets in the fields of culture media, rare disease treatment and diagnosis, continued to carry out basic research on innovative drugs, and made important breakthroughs in a number of technologies." Ji Guangju, doctoral supervisor of the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that since its establishment in 2015, Yuansheng Biotech, which is committed to the basic research and development of innovative drugs, has made breakthroughs in the research and development of innovative drugs in the fields of cell culture media, rare disease diagnosis, treatment and anti-aging.

For example, he said that after years of research, the eMSC medium independently developed by the team has reached the international leading level in many core indicators of the medium, such as cell expansion speed, cell "activity", cell aging delay, and cell consistency.

At the meeting, many industry experts and business representatives shared the latest achievements in high-end medical devices, diagnostic technology, biopharmaceuticals and other industries, showing the continuous breakthrough process of China's pharmaceutical industry.

It is suggested to accelerate the coordinated development of the industrial chain

The linkage of industry, academia, research and application is a significant feature of the pharmaceutical industry chain. From the discovery of problems in the clinic to the application of solutions in the clinic, the integration of the "whole chain" will continue to promote the incubation of industrial technology and the application of products.

Qiao Jie, director of Peking University Health Science Center, introduced the case of the combination of clinical practice and enterprise R&D in the Third Hospital of Peking Medical University at the meeting, and said that "it is very meaningful to achieve accurate diagnosis".

"We have launched the research and development of innovative drugs for MDA5-positive dermatomyositis, stroke, pulmonary fibrosis and other difficult diseases." In an interview, Zhang Dan, a representative of the R&D team of Yuansheng Biosciences and a foreign academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering, took the exclusive establishment of a new target for the rapid diagnosis of stroke IVD diagnostic product for stroke as an example, saying that with a single detection cost of less than 45,<> yuan, the rapid detection result can be achieved in <> minutes, which can reduce the medical burden and regain the "golden time" for patients to receive treatment.

Zhang Dan also introduced that the team's independent research and development of circular RNA small nucleic acid drugs that target the degradation of stroke markers can be used in the acute attack of stroke and promote the rapid response treatment of grassroots hospitals. In addition, the stroke kit has entered the clinical stage and is expected to be put on the market in the next two years, which will help more primary hospitals establish stroke diagnosis capacity and help tertiary hospitals speed up stroke diagnosis.

As for how to promote the coordinated development of the industrial chain, some experts suggested that central enterprises should be "encouraged to actively participate in the construction of national pharmaceutical R&D platforms". Some scholars said that it is necessary to better promote the effective connection and coordinated operation of supply and demand in the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, and build a number of high-quality advanced pharmaceutical manufacturing clusters.

The next step is to build a modern pharmaceutical industry system

Looking to the future, how can the high-quality development achievements of the pharmaceutical industry better serve the construction of a healthy China and benefit more people? The heads of relevant departments put forward development ideas in this regard, including "accelerating product research and development and industrialization" and "promoting the optimization and upgrading of the whole industrial chain".

"In-depth implementation of the industrialization project of pharmaceutical innovative products and the technical research project of pharmaceutical industrialization, encourage and support enterprises to increase investment in innovation", "create a number of innovation highlands and high-level industrial clusters", "support domestic enterprises to introduce foreign advanced technologies and products through cooperative development, technology licensing, etc."... The initiatives proposed by the relevant departments have also received widespread attention.

"Cell culture media is one of the most critical raw materials in the biopharmaceutical industry and is widely used in the upstream of the life sciences industry." Ji Guangju said that the R&D team will accelerate the domestic substitution in the field of culture media, and work with downstream innovative drug manufacturers to solve biomedical problems.

Some experts also pointed out that it is necessary to grasp digital technology, accelerate "intelligent transformation and digital transformation", and constantly open up space for industrial development. In this regard, He Yaqiong, director of the Consumer Goods Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that it will build a cross-field, large-scale collaboration, and rapid iteration of the pharmaceutical industry chain collaborative innovation manufacturing platform, and promote the integrated development of medical equipment, 5G, artificial intelligence, etc.

"Our R&D team has extensive experience in pipeline development, clinical practice and industry. In fact, talent training is also indispensable in the construction of a modern pharmaceutical industry system. Zhang Dan noted that the collaborative working mechanism for the introduction and cultivation of talents in the biomedical industry was officially established recently, and he expects the mechanism to play a more important role in accelerating the integration and development of production and talent in the pharmaceutical industry. (ENDS)