Teller Report

Beating, starvation, and dogs. Prisoners' testimonies reveal the crimes of the occupation

11/28/2023, 2:08:55 PM

Highlights: Beating, starvation, and dogs. Prisoners' testimonies reveal the crimes of the occupation. After the photos and testimonies of the released Israeli detainees on the good treatment of them by the Palestinian resistance. Shocking testimonies continue to be given by the liberated Palestinian prisoners regarding the violations practiced by the occupation against them, especially children. The released prisoner Mohammed Nazzal accompanied by his father with broken hands as a result of beating him in the occupation prisons. The child remained untreated for a whole week until he was freed last night.

After the photos and testimonies of the released Israeli detainees on the good treatment of them by the Palestinian resistance, shocking testimonies continue to be given by the liberated Palestinian prisoners regarding the violations practiced by the occupation against them, especially children.

The released prisoner Mohammed Nazzal accompanied by his father with broken hands as a result of beating him in the occupation prisons (Al-Jazeera)

Jenin – With his wrapped hands, Mohammed Nazzal sits on the bed in the emergency room of Ibn Sina Hospital in the northern West Bank city of Jenin, which was released as part of the fourth batch released on Monday night in the prisoner exchange between the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and the Israeli occupation.

The child Nazzal was severely injured in his right hand and bruised in his left hand, after being severely beaten with sticks in the Negev prison by the "Masada" units, during the raids of the inspection teams to the prison sections, a well-known unit in the occupation prisons, which counts prisoners, isolates them and searches the sections.

The fracture that Nazzal suffered after the "Al-Aqsa Flood" operation on the seventh of last October, the prison administration did not treat him, which led to complications in his hand, represented in the wrong fusion of the fingerbone on the tissues and flesh, and the need for a platinum transplant, according to Palestinian doctors who examined him after his liberation.

"We were surprised when he got out of the Red Cross car in Ramallah last night, Monday, he looked very exhausted and cold, and he was in great pain, raising his right hand to the middle of his chest, there the paramedics examined him, and they immediately found out that there were fractures in his hands, the paramedic told him that his hand needed a quick splinting, and after wrapping it, he was transferred to the hospital in Ramallah," says his brother Moataz, who accompanies him in the hospital.

Beating, abuse and starvation

"I was arrested 3 months ago, and I was sentenced to administrative imprisonment that can be extended for a period of 6 months, the prison has become a cemetery for prisoners after the seventh of last October, the repression and inspection units constantly enter the departments, and beat the prisoners and break them, a week ago the Masada unit entered the section where I was, and they started beating us with sticks hysterically, I used to put my hand on my head so that the blows did not reach my head, he continued to beat me until my hands were broken."

The child remained untreated for a whole week until he was freed last night. He says he was also beaten in Ofer prison yesterday when they were taken there, before they were taken out in Red Cross cars, where he was threatened with arrest before he was released, even though he only learned of the release decision after the Red Cross arrived.

Not only beating and cracking, if the majority of the prisoners released within the exchange deal confirm that the prison authorities imposed on them after the "Al-Aqsa flood" policies of starvation and withdrawal of personal belongings, which Nazzal confirms by saying, "Our share of food on a daily basis was a small plate of rice for every 12 prisoners, we were suffering from the cold after pulling the blankets from us, and pulling out the clothes and clothes, they prevented us from bathing, and they mocked that our smell is rotten."

Several crimes

From the town of Qabatiya, 17-year-old Jawad Kamil was among the child prisoners released on Monday night. Inside his home, he received well-wishers who came early to check on him, and one of those assaulted in the Negev prison. He says that prison conditions varied by 360 degrees after the war on the Gaza Strip began, and that prisoners were tortured on an almost daily basis.

Kamil explains the circumstances he lived through before being included in the prisoner deal, saying, "I have been detained for nearly a year, what happened during this period I have never seen before, the repression forces enter in large crowds to the prisoners' sections, and start beating them, and the goal is to kill, this is clear from the place of the beating so that it is concentrated on the head, abdomen and back."

He stressed that the old prisoners are more harmed and are isolated, and prevented from seeing the rest of the prisoners, and talks about preventing the personal expenses of the Palestinian prisoner, called "the canteen."

"I had 13 prisoners with me in the room, all of whom were beaten and broken, beat us strongly, then prevented us from treatment, and did not present any of us to the prison clinic, we had with us in the section a prisoner who spent 17 years and sentenced to life imprisonment, they beat him in a terrible way on the head until he lost consciousness, then they carried him to the isolation room and until the time I came out we did not know anything about him."

"In two months, these beatings and assaults are practiced on us by the Keter and the units."

– The cub Jawad Kamil, who fainted immediately after being freed as a result of beating, from Qabatiya – Jenin.

— Z 𓂆 (@jalestinian) November 28, 2023

Prison Doctor

Kamil was attacked by sniffer dogs in his room in the Negev prison, where the jailer escaped the dog, wounding him in the forearm, and when he asked the prison doctor to examine his hand, he refused, and gave him only analgesic medicine.

It is noteworthy that Camille confirmed that the prison doctor was several times entering with the repression units to the prisoners' rooms and participating in beating and torturing them, adding, "How can the doctor there treat me when he was the one who was participating with the jailers by beating and breaking us?"

"Some prisoners had not bathed for 50 days, and even those who managed to bathe were afraid that the repression units would enter and start beating them while they were in the bathrooms," he said.

Kamil stressed that all prisoners are at risk of death, because of the policies of the Israeli Prison Service, adding, "Thank God that I came out, because prison conditions have become more dangerous, and increase day by day, especially for those with high sentences and life sentences, I am happy for my salvation from the torment of prison, especially since the odds were confirming the extension of the administrative detention, but my joy is incomplete, what our people live in Gaza is genocide, and something that tears hearts."

He concluded by saying, "Today I ate the first satisfying meal prepared by my mother after 50 days of hunger and torture, I hope that all prisoners will live this feeling of joy and safety with my family, may God bless our people in the Gaza Strip."

Source : Al Jazeera