Teller Report

And Rita Maestre (in Mexico) avoided the rebuke of Ortega Smith promoted by Maroto: "One second, there can be a tie"

11/28/2023, 4:58:11 PM

Highlights: Rita Maestre, at the stroke of 16:00 p.m., 'closed' it. Her absence, being in Guadalajara (but in the city that is.... Politics), served as a fuse for the initial speech of José Luis Martínez-Almeida. The protagonism was shared among the 'popular' bench. It was Eduardo Rubiño, seated in the empty armchair of the leader of the opposition, who raised the voice of Más Madrid.

Rita Maestre 'opened' the Plenary and Rita Maestre, at the stroke of 16:00 p.m., 'closed' it. His absence, being in Guadalajara (but in the city that is...

  • Politics Neither reprobation of Sánchez nor demand for the dismissal of the government delegate: abstention of the PP, the mention of Pablo Motos and "the holidays in Mexico" of Rita Maestre

Rita Maestre 'opened' the Plenary and Rita Maestre, at the stroke of 16:00 p.m., 'closed' it. Her absence, being in Guadalajara (but in the city that is in Mexico), invited to a talk at the International Book Fair, served as a fuse for the initial speech of José Luis Martínez-Almeida who, on the other hand, did not expend saliva excessively during the session. The protagonism was shared among the 'popular' bench. It was Eduardo Rubiño, seated in the empty armchair of the leader of the opposition, who raised the voice of Más Madrid. Even to defend some proposal of Rita's own.

But, as we said, Maestre was the one who put the icing on the cake of a session at full speed. He did so, involuntarily, because of an urgent proposal from Reyes Maroto. The spokesperson of the PSOE and rival on the left, who literally showed her most chameleonic side, by changing her outfit up to twice, launched the attack on Javier Ortega Smith. It was the end of the day.

"The democratic quality of this City Council must be safeguarded. They do not deserve a public representative who disrespects and encourages disrespect. It does not condemn the altercations and encourages permanent demonstration. So that it does not happen again, I propose that the City Council accept to reprove Ortega Smith," Maroto argued after the presence of the Vox mayor at the demonstrations on Ferraz Street. And he said: "I hope that the mayor and the PP approve this motion, or they will be accomplices."

The disapproval had the votes in favor of the PSOE, Más Madrid, and even the Vox group itself. But he was rejected by the People's Party. However, there was something strange. Borja Fanjul, the president of the plenary, raised his voice: "One second, there may be a tie." A statement that generated laughter and disbelief. Someone was missing from the 'popular' group and that had generated an unexpected variant on the map.

"Rita is missing; So, rejected"

There were those who, in the stands, joked about asking for VAR, as happens in football. After a few seconds of uncertainty, the resolution came: "There is no tie because Rita is missing." And they insisted, notebook in hand, with the verdict, under the watchful eye of Fanjul: "Rita is missing. So, rejected."

"The PP has prevented the reprobation of Ortega Smith in the Plenary, a councilor who has disrespected in the form of threats and coercion to the Police and who is encouraging the serious disturbances that are taking place in the streets of Madrid," Maroto herself would lament moments later. "With this gesture, Almeida becomes an accomplice of the violent and does not deserve to continue being mayor."

And the session adjourned with that point of incredulity, while Ortega Smith himself, affected by the matter, made the gesture of the chicken towards the 'popular' bench, which had demolished his two proposals and ended up rejecting Maroto's that pointed at his figure. A curious performance at the Palacio de Cibeles where Rita Maestre was the protagonist... despite being on the other side of the Atlantic.

  • José Luis Martínez-Almeida
  • Rita Maestre
  • Articles Carlos Guisasola
  • Reyes Maroto