Teller Report

Reuters: North Korea says it took satellite images of the White House and the Pentagon

11/27/2023, 10:06:41 PM

Highlights: North Korea says its reconnaissance satellite took pictures of the White House, the Pentagon and U.S. aircraft carriers at the Norfolk naval base. It is specified that the images were taken by a spy satellite. Earlier, the Permanent Representative of the DPRK to the UN, Kim Song, said that the launch of a reconnaissance satellite by the DPRK was provoked by the destabilization of the situation in the region, which is created by the reckless actions of the United States and its supporters. The photos were taken at the naval base in Norfolk.

North Korea says its reconnaissance satellite took pictures of the White House, the Pentagon and U.S. aircraft carriers at the Norfolk naval base.

This is reported by Reuters with reference to the Central News Agency of the DPRK (KCNA).

According to the report, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un received photos of the White House, the Pentagon and aircraft carriers of the United States Navy at the naval base in Norfolk.

It is specified that the images were taken by a spy satellite.

Earlier, the Permanent Representative of the DPRK to the UN, Kim Song, said that the launch of a reconnaissance satellite by the DPRK was provoked by the destabilization of the situation in the region, which is created by the reckless actions of the United States and its supporters.