Teller Report

How is the hotel industry changing in France?

11/27/2023, 7:47:14 PM

Highlights: In "La France bouge", Elisabeth Assayag takes a tour of the country. She meets people who are working to change the way the country is run. She also meets some of the people who have made a difference in the lives of those who have come before her. The tour ends on November 27, 2023, when she returns home to France. For more information on the tour, go to: bouge.html.

In "La France bouge", Elisabeth Assayag takes a tour of France of positive and innovative initiatives. Work, education, health... They are working across the country to shake things up and break the codes: who are these citizens, these companies, these communities that are committed and inventing the world of tomorrow? Inspiring portraits and testimonies.

Elisabeth Assayag SEASON 2023 - 202420h45, November 27, 2023

In "La France bouge", Elisabeth Assayag takes a tour of France of positive and innovative initiatives. Work, education, health... They are working across the country to shake things up and break the codes: who are these citizens, these companies, these communities that are committed and inventing the world of tomorrow? Inspiring portraits and testimonies.


- Jean Jacques Morin, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Accor Group.
- Sarah Amzalag, founder of Alma business club.
- Fabrice Marsella, manager of the village by CA PARIS- LĂ©onard Grynfogel, co-founder
of Luniwave.