Teller Report

Zaher Jabarin: Hamas is ready to start negotiations on all prisoners from tomorrow

11/26/2023, 4:56:44 PM

Highlights: Zaher Jabarin, head of the prisoners' file in Hamas, said that we are looking at how to legally fortify the process of releasing Palestinian prisoners. He said that no Israeli will be released except by the will of the resistance and with a ceasefire. Jabarin added that the occupation prevents Israeli prisoners from talking to the media after their release, so as not to show the lies that have been told. He also said that if the occupation has the readiness to start negotiations, we are ready to open this file from tomorrow.

Zaher Jabarin, head of the prisoners' file in Hamas, said that we are looking at how to legally fortify the process of releasing Palestinian prisoners from Israeli prisons and in accordance with international obligations.

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Video duration 00 minutes 58 seconds 00:58

Zaher Jabarin, the official in charge of the prisoners' file in the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), said that we are looking at how to fortify the process of releasing Palestinian prisoners from Israeli occupation prisons legally and with international obligations, and that no Israeli will be released except by the will of the resistance and with a ceasefire.

In an exclusive statement to Al Jazeera Net, Jabarin said that Qatari diplomacy has proven its success and ability to deal with all conflicts in the region, and it is with the Egyptian and American efforts have the will and absolute seriousness in order to make the truce agreement successful and continue, and also pointed out that Hamas has a willingness to start negotiations from tomorrow to release all prisoners, but he stipulated that this be on clear grounds.

The official of the prisoners' file in Hamas added that the occupation prevents Israeli prisoners from talking to the media after their release, so as not to show the lies that accused the Islamic Resistance Movement after the operation "Al-Aqsa flood" on the seventh of last October, and Jabarin stated that the movement has pressure cards that enable it to impose the correct equations in order to force the occupation to abide by them and release all prisoners in its prisons.

And to the details of the statements.

  • Are there any initiatives to extend the current truce and release more prisoners?

In general, we have developed a principle and declared it since the beginning of this battle, the most important goal for us is to defend the path of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the second goal is to free our brothers prisoners in Israeli prisons; there are more than 8500,44 Palestinian prisoners, including those who spend more than 1000 years, and there are more than 3000,400 prisoners, including those sentenced to life, and there are more than <>,<> administrative prisoners, and there are <> Palestinian children, and there are Palestinian women inside the occupation prisons.

If the occupation is ready to start negotiations on behalf of all prisoners, we are ready to open this file from tomorrow, but on clear bases

We want to end the suffering of our children, our families and our people, especially those languishing in the occupation prisons for decades, and if the occupation has the readiness to start negotiations, we are ready to open this file from tomorrow, but on one basis, which is the exchange of prisoners in an orderly and orderly manner and on clear bases, as we did in the deal "Wafa al-Ahrar".

  • What guarantees the fulfillment of the terms of the agreement of this armistice? And who will put pressure on him?

There are parties that intervened in this truce, specifically the main party that is the main sponsor of this truce, the Qatari party, and there is also a guarantee from the Americans and the Egyptian brothers. We say if there are breaches, the mediators are informed and they communicate with all parties. Qatari diplomacy has proven successful and has experience and expertise in managing conflicts in the region.

They are also involved in this issue with their real weight and all their relations in order to make this truce a success and to stop this massacre against our Palestinian people and these crimes against our sons, brothers and women.

  • On what basis are prisoners released from occupation prisons selected?

We said from the beginning that when this occupation collapsed its army in the face of the first blow of the resistance, there was confusion and the flight of settlers towards the Gaza Strip, including women and others, and we said to the occupation if the security conditions are in place in order to ensure the safety of the mujahideen first, and then to ensure the security of not betraying your people.

We are discussing with a number of lawyers how to legally fortify the release process, and then fortify it with international obligations, because this occupation - as has been proven - does not abide by the covenants it makes to mediators

And you see how the glorious image that was embodied when the resistance released its prisoners, and how the treatment was at the top of humanity, despite the fact that the occupation army was at the height of brutality, and the war crimes committed against the families of these mujahideen who release these prisoners, and despite all this injustice to which the Gaza Strip and their sons, families and hospitals were subjected, but they embodied the morals of Islam in their dealings, so that the occupation prevented the released prisoners from speaking to the media so that Hamas does not show that all lies The movement at the beginning of this battle was flimsy, that they lied to their people, and that this battle went behind a mirage drawn by this occupation that there was beheading and rape of women.

  • In previous deals, freed prisoners were re-arrested, so what is the guarantee in this deal that the occupation will not repeat this?

We say clearly: we only accept that there are clear, unequivocal and explicit international guarantees, and that the release of prisoners is on a legal basis.

Today, we are discussing with a number of lawyers how to fortify the release process legally, and then fortify it with international obligations, because this occupation - as proven - does not abide by the covenants it makes to the mediators, but this time we have a great pressure card on it, and we have a "yield" that can end all the suffering of our brothers prisoners without exception, and not a single prisoner will remain inside prisons, and there is a strong card that we can impose the correct equations in order to force the occupation to sign and abide by them before the international community.

  • Doesn't the large number of prisoners now in the hands of the movement represent a heavy burden in terms of protection, food or medical care?

There is no doubt that what is happening in the Gaza Strip is a miracle, and the Palestinian people, with their steadfastness and steadfastness, are unparalleled, there is no model like it, thanks to God Almighty, and our resistance is steadfast, patient and calculated, and because the number of prisoners is also large, the achievement will be great. And our resistance, as it proved at all stages that it is up to the responsibility and the amount of the challenge, will not fail, God willing, to maintain these, and as it shattered the promise of the "Zionists" that they will bring these prisoners from our hand, the resistance imposed the equation in the first deal, and despite the nose of "these Zionists" will not release any of the prisoners except in return and the will of the resistance and the ceasefire, and we will not accept to be subject to negotiations under bombs and fire.

  • Did the mediators who accomplished this truce talk to you about the rest of the prisoners?

This is a national security for the Palestinian people, the movement and the resistance, and the detailed talk harms this issue, but we spoke in public through the official spokesman for the book of the martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam Abu Obaida and brother Yahya Sinwar, and we said in an interview with Al Jazeera that we are ready to hold negotiations on behalf of all prisoners and we are ready to start them from tomorrow.

This time, we have a big pressure card on the occupation, and we have a "yield" that can end all the suffering of our fellow prisoners without exception.

  • Are the resistance and the Gaza Strip capable of continuing and steadfastness in the face of this aggression?

I am sure that this great people has not and will not raise the white flag of this occupation, and I am also sure that victory is near.

I would say that the Israeli people followed their government, this "Nazi fascist government", and in particular Itamar Ben-Gvir, who now treats Palestinian prisoners as "fascist and Nazi", which is one of the reasons for the outbreak of this battle because of his "Nazi-fascist barbarism" towards the prisoners before this battle, which is the most important motive for this battle, as well as his aggression against the Al-Aqsa Mosque. This "fascist government" must end our land and Jerusalem, and no matter how much this occupation is practiced, we will continue to deal with our humanity, Islam, religion and morals, and I am sure that this great Muslim people who are stationed will triumph despite all the aid and material and financial support from all these unjust forces that support them with all the tools of support.

Source : Al Jazeera