Teller Report

War in the Middle East: Hamas releases more hostages

11/26/2023, 4:07:18 PM

Highlights: 14 Israelis and three foreign nationals were handed over to the Red Cross, Israeli army says. Hamas itself spoke of 13 Israelis, three Thais and one Russian. The ceasefire agreed between Israel and Hamas is expected to last until at least Tuesday morning. 30 children, eight mothers and 150 other women kidnapped by the Islamists are to be exchanged for <> Palestinian women and adolescents in Israeli prisons. The deal was struck this week with the mediation of Qatar and the U.S., and could be extended to up to days.

According to the Israeli army, Hamas has handed over another group of hostages to the Red Cross – including Israelis and several foreigners. It is already the third group to regain its freedom.

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Israeli security forces and medics in front of a hospital: Waiting for the hostages



Three days after the start of the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, the third group of hostages kidnapped by Hamas has been released. According to an Israeli army spokesman, 14 Israelis and three foreign nationals were handed over to the Red Cross. He referred to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

"According to information from the Red Cross, 14 Israeli hostages and three foreign hostages were handed over to the Red Cross," he said

Hamas itself spoke of 13 Israelis, three Thais and one Russian. Earlier on Sunday afternoon, there had been reports that Hamas had released a Russian national.

The ceasefire agreed between Israel and Hamas is expected to last until at least Tuesday morning. During this period, 30 children, eight mothers and 150 other women kidnapped by the Islamists are to be exchanged for <> Palestinian women and adolescents in Israeli prisons. The deal was struck this week with the mediation of Qatar and the United States. The ceasefire could be extended to up to <> days if Hamas releases <> more hostages for each additional day.

Four German dual nationals dismissed

On Saturday evening, after hours of delay, Hamas released 13 Israelis it had abducted, including four German dual nationals, and four Thais. In return, Israel released 39 Palestinian prisoners.

The German-Israelis are 38-year-old Adina Shoham, her three-year-old daughter Jahel and her eight-year-old son Naveh, as well as Shoham's 67-year-old mother, Shoshan Haran.

For the first time, 21-year-old Maja Regev was released as a hostage who had been abducted by Hamas fighters during their brutal attack on the Supernova music festival. Hundreds more, mostly young people, were killed in the attack on 7 October.

"We are overjoyed to be able to embrace Emily again," the family of nine-year-old Irish-Israeli Emily Hand said of the family forum. A video from the Israeli army showed the girl running into her father's arms after her release. Her father had initially thought the nine-year-old was dead.

More on this topic

  • Israeli hostages in the Gaza Strip: "Very careful, very secret, extreme discretion"Marc Pitzke and Thore Schröder report from New York and Tel Aviv

  • Israel's Prisoner Exchange: How the Hamas Hostage Deal Almost CollapsedBy Marc Pitzke, New York

  • Hamas hostages freed: "We thought they were going to lynch us on the way to Israel"

  • Irish Hamas hostage: Girl believed dead released – "Emily has come back to us!"

In return, the Israel Penitentiary Authority announced the release of 39 Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails that night. As on the Israeli side, all those released are women and minors.

On the streets of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, they were greeted with cheers. According to the German Press Agency, Hamas flags were also waved.

Injured in front of Israeli jails

On Saturday evening, dozens of people had been waiting for the release of the prisoners outside an Israeli prison north of Jerusalem. According to Palestinian sources, Israeli soldiers used tear gas and rubber bullets against those waiting. According to paramedics, four people were injured.

These detainees have been convicted or charged with terrorist offenses, Israeli army spokesman Doron Spielman said during the night. "It's a shame we're releasing them," he said. The fact that the freedmen were celebrated under the banner of Hamas shows what kind of people they are.
