Teller Report

This is how a dog trainer works: The job with the wau factor

11/26/2023, 4:56:21 PM

Highlights: Antje Thiele helps when there are difficulties with dogs. She practices the first commands with puppies. The most important thing is not the work with the animals – but theWork with the people.Antje travels a lot by car. Frit (left) and Fine (right) are always there. Antje is a dog trainer based in Berlin, Germany. She has two dogs, Fine and Frit, and works with a number of other dog trainers in Germany and abroad.

Antje Thiele helps when there are difficulties with dogs and practices the first commands with puppies. However, the most important thing is not the work with the animals – but the work with the people.

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Antje travels a lot by car. Frit (left) and Fine (right) are always there.

Photo: Ulrike Schacht / Dein SPIEGEL