Teller Report

The Greens: What the party has agreed on for the European elections

11/26/2023, 9:17:10 PM

Highlights: The Green Party Congress has adopted a European election programme. The party is sharpening its tone in the asylum debate, but is also focusing on traditional issues. The Greens insist on the observance of human rights obligations according to the principle of "humanity and order" The Greens' stance on the Mercosur agreement, a possible trade agreement between the EU and Latin American states, remains critical. It calls for respect for human dignity and the rule of law in all Member States, including "against arbitrariness and exploitation"

The Green Party Congress has adopted a European election programme. The party is sharpening its tone in the asylum debate, but is also focusing on traditional issues. The individual points at a glance.

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Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock: The Greens are positioning themselves for the European elections

Photo: Chris Emil Janssen / IMAGO

In their European election manifesto, the Greens are relying on traditional core issues such as climate protection and social justice, but are also setting new accents. In asylum policy, the principle of "humanity and order" should apply, as can be seen from the program adopted on Sunday at the federal party congress in Karlsruhe.

The individual points in detail:

Strengthening and enlarging the EU

"Because we know that we can achieve more together than if we go it alone, we want to make the European Union more democratic and approachable," says the preamble to the programme. The enlargement of the EU to include the countries of the Western Balkans, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, as well as internal reforms of the Union itself, must "go hand in hand".

A required reform: In order to increase the EU's ability to act, the unanimity principle is to be overcome in the future and the majority principle is to be applied as a priority.

Foreign policy and the war in Ukraine

"In a world full of conflicts, the European Union stands as a guarantor of protection and peace," it says. The brutal Russian war of aggression against Ukraine is also directed against this. "We are committed to ensuring that the EU does not let up in its humanitarian, political, financial and military support for Ukraine," the Greens stress. They reiterate the demand to restore their "full territorial integrity".

The Greens' stance on the Mercosur agreement, a possible trade agreement between the EU and Latin American states, remains critical.

Migration and asylum

The EU should guarantee the fundamental right to asylum, and there should be "a fair and binding distribution of people seeking protection". The Greens insist on the observance of human rights obligations according to the principle of "humanity and order". This also includes agreement in principle with the tightening of asylum laws that are emerging at the European level.

Further demands, especially from the Green Youth, were rejected at the party congress. The Green Youth wanted to ensure that members of the Green government were no longer allowed to support tightening of asylum laws.

In view of the shortage of skilled workers and workers, Europe is to become more attractive in the global competition for "clever minds and hard-working hands", it is also said. For asylum seekers, there should be a lane change option in the European immigration system for workers.

Climate protection

The European emission targets are to be supplemented by binding interim targets for 2035 and 2040. In order to reduce CO₂ emissions, the electrification of drives, production processes and heating systems is to be promoted, and the massive expansion of renewable energies is to make the electricity supply in the EU climate-neutral by 2035. Where emissions cannot be avoided, "technological opportunities" are also to be exploited, such as the controversial CCS technology for CO₂ storage. However, priority should be given to moving away from oil, coal and gas.


There are innovative ideas in the transport sector of the programme: The Greens want to drive forward the transport turnaround and "operate as many means of transport as possible electrically with renewable energies". In order to facilitate environmentally friendly mobility, the party is calling for a joint ticket offer for European railways. In local transport, the "flat rate principle" is to be established as far as possible throughout Europe, following the example of the Deutschlandticket.

Nature Conservation and Agriculture

As internationally agreed, the EU should also strengthen nature and species conservation and designate 30 percent of land and sea areas as protected areas. Agriculture should be carried out "in harmony with nature" and in the service of consumers.

Economic and financial affairs

It calls for a European "infrastructure union". From 2026 onwards, there will be a major investment programme for innovation and resilience. The Greens want to strengthen the EU's financial resources through more own resources and higher national contributions. More diversification is intended to reduce dependencies on raw materials.

Social affairs and work

The EU is "also a social union committed to social progress," according to the programme. It should set "binding standards" for "fair wages" and "against arbitrariness and exploitation". Democracy and co-determination in the workplace are to be expanded. The areas of education and health are also to be strengthened.


"The strengthening of the EU must go hand in hand with its further democratisation and closer proximity to its citizens," the Greens stress. It calls for respect for human dignity, freedom and the rule of law in all Member States, including respect for the rights of minorities and queer people. The EU should take consistent action against all forms of discrimination.
