Teller Report

Social Security budget: in the Assembly, a motion of censure rejected and a new 49.3

11/26/2023, 9:06:24 PM

Highlights: Social Security budget: in the Assembly, a motion of censure rejected and a new 49.3. The Prime Minister once again activated the 49. 3, this time on the expenditure part and the whole text. This Social Security Financing Bill (PLFSS) provides for a 3.2% increase in spending in 2024 compared to 2023, to €254.9 billion. The "Secu" deficit, set at €8.8 billion in 2023 and €10.7 billion in 2024 according to government's latest forecasts, could reach €17.5 billion by 2027.

The Prime Minister once again activated the 49.3 after the rejection in the Assembly of a motion of censure LFI, resulting in the adoption at second reading of the revenue part of the Social Security budget, the deficit of which is could reach 17.5 billion by 2027.

Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credit: SERGE TENANI / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP 21:56 p.m., November 26, 2023

The Prime Minister once again activated the 49.3 after the rejection in the Assembly of a motion of censure LFI, leading to the adoption at second reading of the revenue part of the Social Security budget, the deficit of which could reach 17.5 billion by 2027.

After the rejection in the Assembly of a motion of censure LFI, equivalent to the adoption at second reading of the revenue part of the Social Security budget, the Prime Minister once again activated the 49.3, this time on the expenditure part and the whole text. This 26th no-confidence motion faced by the Prime Minister obtained 89 votes out of the 289 required to bring down the government. This rejection is equivalent to the adoption at second reading of the revenue part of the Social Security Financing Bill (PLFSS).

At the same time, Élisabeth Borne committed the government to the expenditure part of this budget and to the entire text. This is the 19th 49.3 used by Élisabeth Borne or on her behalf since her appointment to Matignon, the 8th since the resumption of parliamentary work at the end of September. The LFI group immediately announced the tabling of a motion of censure, which like the others is expected to fail to win a majority of the votes of the deputies, which will allow the government to see the entire PLFSS adopted at second reading in the Assembly. The bill will then be able to resume its legislative journey in the Senate.

'Grey authoritarianism'

In her speech in response to the motion of censure insoumise, Élisabeth Borne used a well-known argument, pointing to the need for France to have a budget, and the absence of an "alternative majority capable of governing". "We need the Social Security financing bill to keep our social model alive," she said later, pulling out the 49.3, which had just opened the debate on the spending part of the bill.


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In their interventions, the oppositions followed one another to denounce the sidelining of Parliament, Aurélien Saintoul (LFI) denouncing, for example, a "grey authoritarianism based on the banality of the coup de force", and Arthur Delaporte (PS) "the spectacle sewn with white thread" of the government's "contempt" for Parliament, "a play with a worn-out plot generating real bitterness". This Social Security Financing Bill (PLFSS) provides for a 3.2% increase in spending in 2024 compared to 2023, to €254.9 billion.

A deficit that could reach €17.5 billion by 2027

The "Secu" deficit, set at €8.8 billion in 2023 and €10.7 billion in 2024 according to the government's latest forecasts, could reach €17.5 billion by 2027. The bill was passed by senators on Tuesday in a substantially revised version. While the government has essentially reverted to the previous version, that of the Assembly, it announced on Thursday two concessions on particularly sensitive points, the Agirc-Arcco and the franchises.


READ ALSO - Social security budget: the two measures wanted by the executive to limit unjustified work stoppages

It thus accepted an LR amendment ordering that the surpluses of the Agirc-Arcco scheme be used only to "participate in the balance of the special schemes that have been extinguished", and not "in respect of financial solidarity within the pension system". With regard to medical deductibles, the Senate had decided to submit to the Social Affairs Committees for their prior opinion the proposed changes to the amounts of deductibles or flat-rate contributions to be borne by insured persons on their health expenses. The government has given its support to this proposal.