Teller Report

Russia invades Ukraine (movement on the 27th)

11/26/2023, 8:46:35 PM

Highlights: Russia invades Ukraine (movement on the 27th). Russian and Ukrainian forces continue to fight in various parts of Ukraine, and many civilians are fleeing the country. We will update you on the situation in Ukraine on the27th (Japan time), including the situation of the battle and the diplomacy of the countries concerned. There is a 7-hour time difference between Japan and Ukraine, 6 hours with Moscow, Russia. The UN Observatory for Human Rights in Ukraine said more than 2,560 civilians, including more than 1 children, have been killed in Ukraine since Russia's military invasion began in February last year.

【NHK】Russia's military invasion of Ukraine continues. Russian and Ukrainian forces continue to fight in various parts of Ukraine, and many ...

Russia's military invasion of Ukraine continues.

Russian and Ukrainian forces continue to fight in various parts of Ukraine, and many civilians are fleeing the country. We will update you on the situation in Ukraine on the 27th (Japan time), including the situation of the battle and the diplomacy of the countries concerned.

(There is a 7-hour time difference between Japan and Ukraine, and 6 hours with Moscow, Russia.)

Ukrainian military drone flies into Moscow 'It's a retaliatory attack'

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced that from the night of the 25th to the early morning of the 26th, a drone of the Ukrainian army flew to the suburbs of the capital Moscow and shot down 24 aircraft.

According to the Russian side, in Tula Oblast, about 200 kilometers south of Moscow, a downed drone crashed into an apartment building, causing one person to be slightly injured and several buildings being damaged in the suburbs of Moscow.

In Ukraine, on the 1th, there was just an attack by a Russian drone that is said to be the largest so far in the capital Kyiv and other places, and Ukrainian media reported that a drone attack on the suburbs of Moscow was planned in retaliation for this attack, and about 25 aircraft were deployed to target facilities related to the Russian army.

Human Rights Observatory: 'More than 1,<> Ukrainian civilians have been killed so far'

The UN Observatory for Human Rights in Ukraine said more than 2,560 civilians, including more than 1 children, have been killed in Ukraine since Russia's military invasion began in February last year.

Most of the deaths were caused by missiles and cluster munitions, which cause widespread damage.

The Human Rights Observatory said that the actual death toll is much higher because of the time it takes to confirm, and that 'in the last three months, nearly half of the casualties have been civilians who have been far from the front line, and there is no safe place in Ukraine.'