Teller Report

Magdalena Andersson: Sack SD officials after Åkesson's mosque move

11/26/2023, 2:36:54 PM

Highlights: Magdalena Andersson demands that SD's officials be fired from government offices. Sweden's security situation is at great risk of deteriorating further, she says. "Liberals, Christian Democrats and Moderates must ask themselves the question: Have we chosen the right partner?" says Andersson. The Social Democratic leader expresses concern about the consequences of Jimmie Åkesson's mosque move for the security situation in Sweden, especially after this summer's Koran burnings. "It is clear that it does not benefit Swedish interests or the security of Sweden and the Swedish people," she adds.

Jimmie Åkesson's proposal to demolish Swedish mosques was met with great criticism on Saturday. Now Magdalena Andersson demands that SD's officials be fired from the government offices, she says to TV4.

Sweden's security situation is at great risk of deteriorating further after Jimmie Åkesson (SD) said on Saturday that he wants to see a stop to new mosques and demolish some existing ones.

So says the Social Democrats' party leader Magdalena Andersson in an interview with TV4, and asks the other Tidö parties to question their cooperation with the Sweden Democrats.

"Liberals, Christian Democrats and Moderates must ask themselves the question: Have we chosen the right partner?" she told the channel.

Wants SD officials fired

On Saturday, several parties in the government base criticized Åkesson, who also proposed that Muslim symbols such as domes and minarets should be removed from Swedish cities.

"It's about our fundamental rights such as freedom of religion. But in addition, a clear statement of substance is needed, and I think, for example, that they can throw the Sweden Democrats out of Rosenbad, so that they no longer have officials in the Government Offices," she says.

Andersson: Doesn't benefit Swedes' security

The Social Democratic leader expresses concern about the consequences of Jimmie Åkesson's mosque move for the security situation in Sweden, especially after the attention that Sweden has received after this summer's Koran burnings.

"It is clear that it does not benefit Swedish interests or the security of Sweden and the Swedish people," says Magdalena Andersson.