Teller Report

Lotan: The extreme right in the West. Strict supporters of Israel and fake friends of Jews

11/26/2023, 7:07:44 PM

Highlights: Lotan: The extreme right in the West. Strict supporters of Israel and fake friends of Jews. A Swiss newspaper said the image of far-right Dutch politician Wilders showing him with the Israeli flag behind him did not go unnoticed. He is a populist leader who wants to de-Islam from the Netherlands. Lotan says Israel represents for Geert Wilders the first line of defense for the West (French) French newspaper: The far right is not in support of the Jews or of anti-Semitism.

A Swiss newspaper said the image of far-right Dutch politician Wilders showing him with the Israeli flag behind him did not go unnoticed. He is a populist leader who wants to de-Islam from the Netherlands and is his first line of defense for the West.

Lotan says Israel represents for Geert Wilders the first line of defense for the West (French)

The Swiss newspaper "Lotan" said that the image of the far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders, which shows him and behind him the Israeli flag next to the Dutch flag, did not go unnoticed, describing him as a populist leader who seeks to remove Islam from the Netherlands, and Israel represents his first line of defense for the West.

The newspaper said in a report written by Frederick Köhler that the identification of Wilders, whose anti-European, anti-foreign, anti-Muslim party has won with the Israeli occupation's battles against "Islamic terrorism" and the promotion of Greater Israel through settlements has become a sign of the far right, not only in Europe.

When Javier Miller won the presidential election in Argentina, he gave his first interview to a newspaper to announce that his first official visit abroad would be to Israel in order to move the Argentine embassy to Jerusalem in the footsteps of former US President Donald Trump.

Nationalists support Israel

From President Viktor Orbán in Hungary to the Christian Democratic Union in Switzerland, the strongest support for Israeli authorities today comes from nationalist groups that are growing almost everywhere, perhaps for two reasons: fear and rejection of Muslim immigration, and ideological rapprochement with an Israeli state that has recently drifted to the far right, which links nationalism and religious extremism.

Amazingly, the mobilization against anti-Semitism after the resistance attack on the settlements around Gaza on October 7 broke down barriers to prevent racist groups from embracing the fight against racism.

Not in support of the Jews

Will Marine Le Pen, head of France's far-right party, march against anti-Semitism or support Israel? He then replies that its action is neither in support of Jews nor in mobilization against anti-Semitism, but rather in support of a state that retaliates by imposing collective punishment on the people of Gaza.

In Europe, as in the United States, only Jews who do not want to be associated with the policies of the State of Israel and do not find themselves on the side of the extreme right are worried.

The report quoted former MSF president Ronnie Brauman as saying that "Israel is not only the place where Jews are most at risk in the world, Israel is putting the world's Jews at risk," in other words, it is time to distinguish between true supporters of Israel and false friends of Jews.

Source : Lotan