Teller Report

Humor raises money for Ukraine's defense

11/26/2023, 6:56:33 PM

Highlights: Humor raises money for Ukraine's defense. A Ukrainian comedy group did a humorous cover of American pop band Backstreet Boys' 24-year-old video "I want it that way" and broke their own fundraising record. With the money raised, they have bought about 70 drones, two vehicles, night vision and other equipment. Everything goes to Ukrainian soldiers at the front. Now the comedian group is thinking about making a new video. They want it to go viral as well and know that it takes a lot of creativity to succeed.

A Ukrainian comedy group did a humorous cover of American pop band Backstreet Boys' 24-year-old video "I want it that way" and broke their own fundraising record.

With over five million views on the social media accounts of the comedy group Badstreeet Boys, there has been a clink in the collection box, almost two million kronor in just three days. The group isn't surprised that the video went viral.

"People need something to laugh at, especially when it's gloomy," explains comedian Slava Kedr.

With the money raised, they have bought about 70 drones, two vehicles, night vision and other equipment. Everything goes to Ukrainian soldiers at the front.

"The needs are so great, we need more of everything, such as drones and medical equipment," says Slava Kedr.

Sluggish with donations

In Ukraine and around the world, the willingness to donate was very high and generous in the first twelve months after Russia's full-scale invasion. The Kyiv Independent's investigation shows, in broad terms, that although there are still many donors, the amounts are decreasing as the economy of the Ukrainians has deteriorated.

"The hardest thing now is to get the public's attention," said Andriy Nedilko, of Frontline Care to the Kyiv Independent.

Humor and creative ideas

Now the comedian group is thinking about making a new video. They want it to go viral as well and know that it takes a lot of creativity for them to succeed.

"Humour works well when you want to raise money, we need to break new records," explains Slava Kedr.