Teller Report

He is accused of carrying out a dialogue operation. Details of Osama Bani Fadl's arrest in Jenin

11/26/2023, 6:16:56 PM

Highlights: He is accused of carrying out a dialogue operation. The Israeli occupation forces were unable to arrest the perpetrator of the Huwara operation. After a chase of more than 3 months, the occupation forces arrest Osama Bani Fadl in Jenin refugee camp and accuse him of being behind the operation. 5 Palestinians were killed and 13 others were seriously injured during the operation, which was shrouded in mystery from the first moment. A statement by the occupation army and the Israeli internal security service "Shin Bet" obtained by Al Jazeera Net, that "Osama suspected ofcarrying out the operation HuWara and killing two Israelis, arrested in a joint operation"

The Israeli occupation forces were unable to arrest the perpetrator of the Huwara operation, and after a chase of more than 3 months, the occupation forces arrest Osama Bani Fadl in Jenin refugee camp and accuse him of being behind the operation, which was shrouded in mystery from the first moment.

A photo published by the occupation army of weapons and equipment that it said was found in the possession of the pursuer Osama Bani Fadl (Al-Jazeera)

Nablus – After nearly 100 days of pursuit, the Israeli occupation army arrested Osama Bani Fadl (20 years old) inside the Jenin refugee camp in the northern West Bank, whom Israel accuses of carrying out a shooting attack and killing Israeli settlers in the town of Huwara, south of Nablus.

In a military operation described as complex, the resistance fighter Bani Fadl was arrested after the occupation surrounded a house in Al-Damj neighborhood, south of the camp, and 5 Palestinians were killed and 13 others were seriously injured during the operation.

Israeli soldiers deployed near the site of the attack that Osama Bani Fadl is accused of carrying out (social media)

Intrusion with the intent to arrest

Eyewitnesses spoke to Al Jazeera Net that the occupation forces stormed Jenin about seven on Saturday evening, dozens of military vehicles, including bulldozers, and continued its operation until this morning, and interspersed with the storming of forces to some inhabited buildings and took control of them and turned them into observation points and sniping.

According to eyewitnesses, the occupation army began to expand its operation at the outskirts of the camp, trying to enter it, only to be surprised by resistance, violent clashes and the detonation of explosive devices, while the occupation bombarded with drones the resistance fighters who confronted the storming, which led to the injury and martyrdom of a number of them.

Mahmoud an ambulance officer in the Red Crescent Society said that the soldiers surrounded the entrances to both Jenin Governmental Hospital and Ibn Sina Hospital, obstructed the arrival of ambulances and blocked their way, and conducted checks and checks on the identities of the injured and arrested a number of them from inside.

A statement by the occupation army and the Israeli internal security service "Shin Bet" obtained by Al Jazeera Net, that "Osama suspected of carrying out the operation Huwara and killing two Israelis, arrested in a joint operation from inside an apartment for wanted in Jenin camp," and stated that he was armed and was transferred for investigation.

Residents of Jenin camp devised methods to monitor camp raids aimed at arresting wanted persons (Al Jazeera)

Mysterious operation

The Israeli army credits the resistance Bani Fadl with carrying out the Huwara operation on August 19, which was characterized by ambiguity from its first moments, not only in the preparation mechanism, but even in the method of withdrawal, which constituted an obsession for the Israeli occupation, and confused its army, which mobilized with all its forces in the area, and declared it a closed military zone more than once, and conducted extensive search operations but to no avail.

In the first minutes of the operation, it was rumored that a criminal incident had taken place at the scene, resulting in the injury of two people as a result of a fight, which later became clear and turned into a commando operation, the hero of which was a Palestinian youth who shot and killed two settlers who were inside a car wash shop in the town of Huwwara.

After about half an hour, the Israeli occupation army stormed the site of the operation and the medical teams attended, but were unable to help the injured in critical condition, so they were declared dead, while the perpetrator had withdrawn from the scene.

The search for the perpetrator began, and initially focused on the town of Beita, south of Nablus, the closest to the site of the operation, and then extended to the nearby town of Aqraba, where the occupation army closed the entire area, tightened its military grip on the place, raided dozens of houses there, wreaked havoc and destruction, erected many military checkpoints, and limited the entry and exit of citizens in it.

Threatening family

After 24 hours of the commando operation, the occupation stormed the house of the perpetrator's family in the town of Aqraba, and tampered with its contents, before the occupation arrested Issa Bani Fadl, Osama's father and his brother Muhammad, without telling them at first that he was pursuing their son on charges of carrying out the operation, to return and storm the house again a few days later, and conduct extensive investigations with the family.

Coinciding with the raids into Beita town at the time, the Israeli occupation army raided the house of Dr. Shahid Mualla, Osama's brother-in-law, and arrested him after conducting a field interrogation with him.

Issa Bani Fadl, Osama's father says to Al Jazeera Net, that the occupation army was treating them violently during its incursions into their home and interrogating them, and made matters worse after he took measurements of the house in preparation for its demolition, after he explicitly told them that he was looking for his son Osama "on charges of carrying out the process of dialogue" and that he had to surrender himself.

Bani Fadl adds that the occupation army arrested him and his son Muhammad, and took them to Huwara camp, south of Nablus, and subjected them to a harsh interrogation punctuated by intimidation, threats and threats to them and his son who was pursued, explaining, "The occupation army threatened us that it would not only demolish the house, but would return my son Osama as a martyr if he did not surrender himself, although I told them that I did not know anything about him since he left the house."

Who is Osama Bani Fadl?

Osama Issa Bani Fadl (20 years old) was born in the town of Aqraba, south of Nablus, to a simple family, the father works as a farmer and the mother is a retired teacher and a member of the village municipality, he finished his primary and secondary education in the town's schools with excellence, to continue his university studies in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at An-Najah National University in Nablus, and he is now in his second year.

Bani Fadl was known in his hometown of Aqraba and in his surroundings for his great discipline, as well as for his religious commitment, his performance of prayers, his high morals, his humility and people's love for him, and most importantly, his actions did not raise any doubts about him, which made many, especially his father, surprised by his action and implementation of the operation.

During his university studies, Bani Fadl belonged to the Islamic Bloc, the student wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), which, according to a statement, announced its adoption of the Huwara process.

Osama excelled more in moving and disappearing for a long time, approaching 100 days, which according to observers indicates that he is well prepared for the operation and withdrawal, compared to other resistance fighters who are quickly arrested or assassinated by the occupation.

The writer and political analyst Sri Sammour says to Al Jazeera Net that "secrecy and away from the parade and emergence and the means of various technology, important reasons to avoid resistance arrest or assassination, and helps him more choose a suitable environment and a popular incubator for resistance camp Jenin, as well as a partisan incubator secures his needs and provides protection for him.

Sammour attributed the resisters resorting to Jenin camp and taking shelter to the camp's deep and long legacy of struggle, in addition to its popular incubator and resistance, which used to invade the occupation, and became coexisting with them and knew their causes, and invented methods to confront them, such as the camera surveillance system, covering the camp's alleys with streets, and planting explosive devices on the army's road.

In addition, the incursion into the camp requires the mobilization of large forces of the army, military equipment reinforced by aviation, engineering corps and military bulldozers that bulldoze roads and detonate IEDs.

Source : Al Jazeera