Teller Report

Egyptian actor Tarek Abdel Aziz dies during filming

11/26/2023, 7:06:22 PM

Highlights: Egyptian actor Tarek Abdel Aziz dies during filming. He died after suffering a sudden heart attack during the filming of the series "And we stayed two" The late artist participated in a group of famous works such as "Saidi at the American University", "Cultural Film" and "Owners of Wala Business" He had suffered a health crisis last June, where he underwent a catheterization operation in the heart, and immediately after his discharge from the hospital posted a picture through his account on Facebook.

A group of artists mourned the Egyptian actor Tarek Abdel Aziz, who died after suffering a sudden heart attack during the filming of the series "And we stayed two", where he was transferred to the hospital, and he died due to the health crisis that afflicted him.

The late artist participated in a group of famous works such as "Saidi at the American University", "Cultural Film" and "Owners of Wala Business" (social media)

A group of artists mourned the Egyptian actor Tarek Abdel Aziz, who died after suffering a sudden heart attack during the filming of the series "And we stayed two", where he was transferred to the hospital, and he died due to the health crisis that afflicted him.

The producer of the series, Karim Abu Zekry, said that Tarek Abdel Aziz was on the set of filming since the morning of Sunday, November 26, 2023, noting that the death occurred without preliminaries or signs of fatigue and unexpectedly.

The producer pointed out that the late artist was participating in filming his scenes, before he suddenly fainted, and was taken to the hospital where he died directly.

For its part, the Acting Professions Syndicate confirmed the news of the death of artist Tarek Abdel Aziz through the official account of the syndicate on Facebook, mourning him and offering condolences to his family.

The sudden death of Abdul Aziz shocked the artistic community, so the artist Mohamed Henedy mourned him and wrote, "Brother, bond and friend of a lifetime... May God have mercy on you. May God be patient with your separation."

Artist Fathi Abdel Wahab also mourned him, who called for mercy and forgiveness.

On his Facebook account, artist Ahmed Wafik mourned him and wrote, "I am pained by your parting, my friend. The beautiful Tarek Abdel-Aziz is gone. See you, Ghali."

Actress Merit Hariri, daughter of the late artist Omar Hariri, also mourned him, writing on her Facebook account: "Today I lost a brother and a friend."

Prince Abaza, head of the Alexandria Film Festival, also wrote on his Facebook account, "We have lost our friend and respected noble artist Tarek Abdel Aziz."

The late artist had suffered a health crisis last June, where he underwent a catheterization operation in the heart, and immediately after his discharge from the hospital posted a picture through his account on Facebook gathered with the medical staff, and said, "Thank God always, the second catheterization was successfully completed and the stents were installed," and was keen through the publication to reassure his audience and thank those who supported him in this ordeal.

Tarek Abdel Aziz was born in 1968, and began his artistic career by participating in the films of graduates of the Higher Institute of Cinema, and working in the university theater at the Faculty of Law, where the theater troupe at the university brought him together with artists Khaled Al-Sawy and Khaled Saleh, and worked for a while in the workshop troupe with Hassan Al-Greitly.

In cinema, he got a range of opportunities in the early second millennium, appearing with Mohamed Henedy in the film "Saidi at the American University", and also participated in "Cultural Film", "Owners of La Business" and "Clash".

Among the characters he presented and left the imprint of the character of the political leader Mustafa Al-Nahhas in the series "A Man of this Time" directed by Anaam Muhammad Ali, and the artist Adel Imam participated in the series "Professor and Head of Department".

His artistic credit reached about 83 works between theater, cinema and television drama, and his last participation was in 2022 in 5 series, namely "Rajeen Ya Hawa", "Dayma Amer", "Investigation", "Colors" and "Aamal Eh".

While he was participating in the current year 2023 in the series "And we stayed two", which he continued filming until his death on the set of the work.

The late artist was interacting with the events of the Israeli aggression on Gaza through his Facebook account through his posts, where he published one of Mahmoud Darwish's poems a few weeks ago:

"If they ask you about Gaza, tell them

It has a martyr, a martyr takes him and photographs him as a martyr

A martyr shall bid him farewell, and a martyr shall pray for him."

Source : Al Jazeera + Social Media