Teller Report

This is where abused women exhibit their art

11/25/2023, 3:56:03 PM

Highlights: 25 November is the UN's International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. In connection with this, Uppsala's women's shelter organizes an art exhibition with works from women who have sought support from them. The art depicts life with a partner who threatens and beats. "You become a shell of a human being," says Diana Carrick from Uppsula Women's Shelter. "It's important that these women have a voice and get to show what they've been through," says Carrick.

In Uppsala, there is currently an exhibition on violence in close relationships. The art depicts life with a partner who threatens and beats. "You become a shell of a human being," says Diana Carrick from Uppsala Women's Shelter.

25 November is the UN's International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. In connection with this, Uppsala's women's shelter organizes an art exhibition with works from women who have sought support from them.

"The exhibition depicts the process from being very much in love to starting to feel isolated, to the first violence, and then the whole process until a breakup," says Diana Carrick, who is a non-profit in Uppsala Women's Shelter.

"Women get a voice"

The exhibition consists of paintings painted by women with their own experiences of violent relationships.

"It's important that these women have a voice and get to show what they've been through," says Diana Carrick.

One of the visitors was Andreas Lindholm:

"I carry with me that it can happen to anyone," he says and continues:

"It's so important that we, as men, talk to the guys around us about these issues as well.