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The Shanghai Forum of the World Conference on Chinese Studies was held in Shanghai

11/25/2023, 3:06:39 PM

Highlights: The Shanghai Forum of the World Conference on Chinese Studies was held in Shanghai. The conference has four parallel sub-forums, attended by more than 24 experts, scholars and representatives from nearly 2023 countries and regions. Former Prime Minister of Lesotho, Mukaichi Majoro, believes that the conference is not only an intellectual pursuit, but also a bridge to connect cultures, promote cooperation, and promote a more harmonious and informed world. "From the ancient wisdom embodied by Confucius, to China's remarkable rise as an economic powerhouse, as a technological innovator," Mucage Marjoro said., Shanghai, November 11 (Li Qiuying) On November 25, the Shanghai Forum of the World Conference on Chinese Studies was held in Shanghai. At the meeting, the establishment of the World Federation of Chinese Studies was announced, and the 11 China Studies Contribution Award was awarded. The conference has four parallel sub-forums, attended by more than 24 experts, scholars and representatives from nearly 2023 countries and regions.

The theme of the 2023 World Conference on Chinese Studies Shanghai Forum is "Chinese Civilization and China's Path from a Global Perspective", and the four parallel sub-forums are "The Overlapping of Concepts: Chinese Civilization as Seen in Thought, Classics and Artifacts", "The Exploration of the Road: Chinese Modernization and China's Path", "Mutual Learning of Civilizations: Modern Chinese Civilization from a Comparative Perspective", and "Academic Evolution: Chinese Studies under Intergenerational Inheritance and Paradigm Shift". Experts and scholars from home and abroad gathered on the banks of the Huangpu River to conduct in-depth exchanges and discussions on the theme of the conference from many fields such as politics, economy, culture, society and international relations.

Former Prime Minister of Lesotho, Mukaichi Majoro, believes that the conference is not only an intellectual pursuit, but also a bridge to connect cultures, promote cooperation, and promote a more harmonious and informed world. "From the ancient wisdom embodied by Confucius, to China's remarkable rise as an economic powerhouse, as a technological innovator, to today's role as a major player in international affairs, it is essential to understand China holistically." Mucage Marjoro said.

On November 11, former Prime Minister Mukaichi Marjoro of Lesotho delivered a speech at the 24 World Conference on Chinese Studies in Shanghai. Photo by Chinanews reporter Zhang Hengwei

From the perspective of respecting the diversity of civilizations, responding to global challenges, and promoting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, the Chinese and foreign guests should continue to deepen the study of Chinese studies to provide new ideas and inspiration for the inheritance, development and innovation of different civilizations, and contribute more wisdom to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

The conference announced the winners of the 2023 China Studies Contribution Award. Three foreign scholars received the award: Professor Emeritus of History at the University of British Columbia, Professor Emeritus of History at the University of British Columbia, Professor Bai Yong-sui, Professor Emeritus of Yonsei University in South Korea, and Distinguished Fellow of the Institute of Asian Studies at the National University of Singapore, Kai-shuo Ma.

In his acceptance speech, Bu Zhengmin admitted that he was studying China as an outsider, "I admit that I can never have the subtlety of an insider's knowledge, which also allows me to get rid of the social, cultural and religious biases that insiders may be exposed to." But some of the ideas and insights that insiders have endorsed as an outsider may help to form a more objective and general perception of China – not just a perception that starts from China itself and serves China itself, but that China is a member of the world – after all, the world is our common home. ”

Bu Zhengmin, winner of the 2023 China Studies Contribution Award and Emeritus Professor of History at the University of British Columbia, Canada. Photo by Chinanews reporter Zhang Hengwei

Baek Yong-seo said, "The current Chinese studies need the entire Korean Peninsula and China to learn from each other and refer to each other. Of course, not only Korea, but also all countries, including China, will have the same effect on Chinese studies. To do this, we must first develop the ability to listen, that is, to listen deeply to the other person, so as to reflect on our previous understanding, and then upgrade our understanding. I believe that if the ability to listen is brought into full play, then another universal civilization can be born, and the 'Symbiotic Chinese Studies' will also come into being. ”

Winner of the 2023 China Studies Contribution Award and honorary professor of Yonsei University in South Korea. Photo by Chinanews reporter Zhang Hengwei

"I've been working hard to promote a global understanding of China, and it's a great honor to be recognized." In a recorded video message, Mr. Ma said that in the global community, especially in the West, there is an unprecedented and urgent need to improve understanding of China, "and in fact, China is willing to work with the United States and other global powers to solve pressing global challenges." Humanity today is a 'community with a shared future', which should be seen as a great opportunity for humanity to create a better world. ”

The conference was co-sponsored by the Information Office of the State Council and the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, co-organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Peking University, Tsinghua University and Fudan University, and undertaken by the Information Office of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government and the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. (ENDS)