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The discipline inspection and supervision group of the National Development and Reform Commission carried out cross-departmental collective interviews on special topics

11/25/2023, 11:46:21 PM

Highlights: The discipline inspection and supervision group of the National Development and Reform Commission carried out cross-departmental collective interviews on special topics. The committee recently held four consecutive special meetings on political supervision, focusing on the progress of key tasks such as food security, energy security, industrial chain and supply chain security, carbon peak and carbon neutrality. "Carrying out sub-thematic and cross- Departmentsal collective meetings is a new attempt for us to promote the concretization, precision, and normalization of political supervision," said Sun Huaixin, head of the committee.

The discipline inspection and supervision group of the National Development and Reform Commission carried out cross-departmental collective interviews on special topics

Focus on the "great man of the country" to promote the solution of the obstruction

Reporter of this newspaper Zuo Hanyan

A few days ago, in the conference room of the discipline inspection and supervision group of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission in the National Development and Reform Commission, a political supervision meeting with the theme of energy security is underway. The responsible comrades of the National Development and Reform Commission's Economic Operation and Adjustment Bureau, the Energy Reserve Department of the State Grain Reserve Administration, the Development Planning Department of the National Energy Administration, and the Energy Statistics Department of the National Bureau of Statistics gathered together.

"Carrying out sub-thematic and cross-departmental collective meetings is a new attempt for us to promote the concretization, precision, and normalization of political supervision." Sun Huaixin, head of the discipline inspection and supervision team of the National Development and Reform Commission, told reporters that the discipline inspection and supervision team of the National Development and Reform Commission recently held four consecutive special meetings on political supervision, focusing on the progress of key tasks such as food security, energy security, industrial chain and supply chain security, carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and invited responsible comrades of relevant department-level units to attend the meeting, listen to the difficulties existing in horizontal and vertical coordination, study and judge the difficulties and difficulties, and promote the units to better implement the strategic deployment of the 4th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Highlight the orientation of problems and ensure that political supervision is targeted

"As an internal department of the State Grain Reserve Administration, in the face of the new topic of energy reserves, a prominent problem we have encountered is how to promote the better connection between reserves and subsequent transportation and transfer." At the meeting, the responsible comrade of the Energy Reserve Department of the State Grain Reserve Administration took the lead in speaking.

Hearing this, the responsible comrade of the Oil and Gas Department of the National Energy Administration nodded, "Although the division of labor of each department is different, the goal is the same, and the key is how to better coordinate the overall task." ”

Wang Li, a cadre of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the National Development and Reform Commission, noticed that "problems" and "difficulties" were words that were frequently mentioned in discussions: "The core purpose of this interview is to focus on the tasks of the 'great man of the country' that involve a wide range of areas, find out the 'obstructions' existing in the systematic planning and overall advancement, and jointly analyze the root causes." If it is necessary for the departments and bureaus to cooperate and cooperate, they will jointly study and discuss countermeasures at the meeting to see if they can be solved and to what extent; Where local and other departments and units are involved, when necessary, the linkage mechanism of 'room group and place' and 'room group enterprise' may be used to promote the solution. ”

"I thought it was an ordinary work report meeting, but I didn't expect it to be so pragmatic and down-to-earth." After the meeting, a participating comrade said.

At another meeting on political supervision with the theme of food security, the comrades concerned of the Third Office of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group grasped the latest progress in such key work as the construction of the grain production, purchase, storage, and marketing system, the stable production and supply of grain and important agricultural products, and the assessment of the food security responsibility system. He recorded some of the activities mentioned by the responsible comrades of various departments and bureaus, and prepared to list them as the key points for future supervision and regular follow-up.

To avoid generalizing and blurring political supervision, we must first accurately grasp its core essence. A series of normalized systems have given the discipline inspection and supervision team in the National Development and Reform Commission a deeper understanding of political supervision: take the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and instructions as the "first topic" of the group meeting and the team leader's office meeting; Hold a general meeting of the whole group of party members every two weeks to collectively study and exchange the decision-making arrangements and important documents of the Party Central Committee; Regularly carry out special counseling on discipline inspection and supervision business...

On this basis, the discipline inspection and supervision group deepened the use of the "project + unit" supervision mechanism, sorted out 15 types of political supervision matters and refined them into 34 specific projects, formed a supervision ledger, and adopted a comprehensive analysis method from division to unification and sub-system, first take the project to find a unit, pull out the task list for all the projects undertaken by each department, and cancel the account number of the tasks undertaken. On this basis, the implementation of the project in each department and bureau is integrated, comprehensively analyzed item by item, and regularly scheduled and promoted.

"Compared with the regular one-on-one interview, the collective interview has a wider coverage, more focused theme, more prominent problem orientation, and a more comprehensive grasp of the situation, which can not only improve the efficiency of communication, but also help to conduct pressure and make political supervision more targeted." The cadres of the discipline inspection and supervision group who participated in the meeting all talked about the distinctive characteristics of the collective meeting.

Find out the right ways and means to make political supervision precise and effective

Not long ago, Gong Xin, a cadre of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the National Development and Reform Commission, and comrades from the Regional Revitalization Department of the National Development and Reform Commission came to Mohe, Heilongjiang Province, to start a four-day joint investigation on the revitalization of Northeast China and the construction of border areas.

"We have run more than 700 kilometers along the border line of the Daxing'an Mountains and found a lot of new situations, one of which is that there are shortcomings in the construction of infrastructure such as communication base stations, and there is still a gap with the production and living needs of the masses." After returning home, Gongxin and his colleagues wrote the relevant content into the research report, urging the relevant departments to prepare the overall plan for major infrastructure in the border areas and promote the infrastructure construction in advance.

On-the-spot investigations like this are not only a channel for the discipline inspection and supervision team to discover problems, but also a basis for determining the method of precise supervision. "Through research, we will thoroughly grasp the short, medium and long-term task objectives and time cycles of each supervision matter, determine the corresponding supervision methods, regularly review the information and understand the situation for daily work, and strengthen interviews and reminders, supervision and inspection for special time points and work with a large impact, and hold accountable those who have serious problems due to the lack of performance of their responsibilities." Miao Miao, a cadre of the discipline inspection and supervision group stationed in the National Development and Reform Commission, said.

Miao Di took the supervision of the "14th Five-Year Plan" as an example: "The cycle of the preparation and implementation of the plan outline is five years, and we have determined the phased goals and concerns of the supervision according to the research situation, focusing on the planning in the first year, focusing on the implementation of the plan from the second year, and focusing on the mid-term evaluation and summary evaluation of the implementation of the plan in the third and fifth years." ”

Since the beginning of this year, the discipline inspection and supervision team of the National Development and Reform Commission has strengthened the supervision and inspection of the implementation of the main indicators and major strategic tasks specified in the "8th Five-Year Plan", and has visited 13 provinces (municipalities) and 24 prefectures and cities in conjunction with the Planning Department of the National Development and Reform Commission for 7 times, participated in <> regional symposiums, and checked the progress of the project on the spot. At present, the mid-term evaluation of the implementation of the <>th Five-Year Plan is progressing steadily, and a special evaluation report will be formed in the future.

In addition, as an important starting point for promoting the implementation of the "102th Five-Year Plan", 102 major projects are also the focus of supervision by the discipline inspection and supervision team. "From the grasp of the situation, the vast majority of major engineering projects are progressing smoothly on the whole, and some projects have been put into operation or capped, but the guarantee of project elements needs to be strengthened, and the business authorities should further strengthen the guidance to the local government." According to Miao Di, at present, the National Development and Reform Commission has established a ledger system for <> major projects, strengthened scheduling and monitoring, and will urge all units to take effective measures to promote the implementation of the work through regular supervision and reminders.

Focus on daily routines and promote the long-term effectiveness of political supervision

After becoming the liaison commissioner for the prevention and punishment of statistical fraud, Xu Longgang, a cadre in the discipline inspection and supervision team of the National Development and Reform Commission, added five more frequent contacts from the National Bureau of Statistics to his mobile phone address book. The focus of his recent work is to understand the progress of the work of preventing and punishing statistical fraud through various methods such as telephone calls, data collection, and face-to-face conversations, and to collect existing problems and difficulties that need to be supervised and resolved by the discipline inspection and supervision team.

Preventing and punishing statistical fraud is a major political task deployed by the Party Central Committee and a key part of the political supervision of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the National Development and Reform Commission. "Under the guidance of the Second Supervision and Inspection Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission, the Law Office and other relevant departments, we have promoted the National Bureau of Statistics to conduct a comprehensive investigation of possible problems in terms of data inaccuracy, power intervention, accountability, rectification effect, etc., systematically sort out all kinds of statistical fraud cases investigated and dealt with since the 2023th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, organize and carry out a large-scale doxxing of clues on the problem of statistical fraud, and strive to promote the establishment of a rigid system for the prevention and control of statistical fraud." Xu Longgang introduced that the discipline inspection and supervision team followed up on the progress of the revision of the "Statistics Law of the People's Republic of China" in a timely manner, and promoted the party group of the National Bureau of Statistics to actively cooperate with the revision work. At present, the draft amendment to the Statistics Law has been included in the State Council's <> Legislative Work Plan.

Promote the construction of the system with one hand, and supervise the rectification of problems with the other. In July this year, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the National Development and Reform Commission issued a supervision suggestion letter, the reporter saw that in combination with the report of letters and visits reflecting the problem of statistical fraud of economic data since the 7th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the discipline inspection and supervision group proposed that "in view of the problem of 'concentrated geographical distribution of statistical fraud, the total proportion of 11 provinces accounts for more than half', further increase the intensity of law enforcement supervision in key provinces, and pay close attention to the provinces with letters and visits". In this regard, the National Bureau of Statistics has formulated 17 rectification and implementation measures, clarifying the responsible leaders, leading units, co-organizers and completion time limits. On August 8, the Office of the National Bureau of Statistics issued the rectification measures to the whole system to promote the implementation of statistical institutions at all levels.

In addition, the discipline inspection and supervision team in the National Development and Reform Commission pays attention to straightening out the mechanism, urging the discipline inspection and supervision departments of statistical institutions at all levels to strengthen communication and cohesion with local discipline inspection commissions and supervision commissions, and form a joint force for supervision. "Under the promotion of the discipline inspection and supervision team, the discipline inspection teams of the investigation corps took the initiative to strengthen communication with the provincial discipline inspection commissions and supervision commissions, and the party group discipline inspection teams of the investigation corps of 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have established daily communication mechanisms with the local discipline inspection commissions and supervision commissions." Xu Longgang said. (China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Daily)