Teller Report

Russia Invades Ukraine Militarily (Movement on the 26th)

11/25/2023, 8:56:19 PM

Highlights: Russia Invades Ukraine Militarily (Movement on the 26th). Russia's military invasion of Ukraine continues. Russian and Ukrainian forces continue to fight in various parts of Ukraine, and many civilians are fleeing the country. We will update you on the situation in Ukraine on the26th (Japan time), including the situation of the battle and the diplomacy of the countries concerned. There is a 7-hour time difference between Japan and Ukraine,and 6 hours with Moscow, Russia. For confidential support call the Samaritans in the UK on 08457 90 90 90, visit a local Samaritans branch or see

【NHK】Russia's military invasion of Ukraine continues. Russian and Ukrainian forces continue to fight in various parts of Ukraine, and many ...

Russia's military invasion of Ukraine continues.

Russian and Ukrainian forces continue to fight in various parts of Ukraine, and many civilians are fleeing the country. We will update you on the situation in Ukraine on the 26th (Japan time), including the situation of the battle and the diplomacy of the countries concerned.

(There is a 7-hour time difference between Japan and Ukraine, and 6 hours with Moscow, Russia.)

Largest drone attack in Kyiv President Zelenskyy "deliberate terror"

The Ukrainian Air Force announced on the 25th that Russian forces launched attacks on at least six areas, including the capital Kyiv, with 75 Iranian-made suicide drones. Of these, 6 aircraft were shot down, which is the largest drone attack so far.

The Ukrainian side said that the drone was fired from two directions, including Kursk in western Russia, and was aimed at Kyiv, and according to Mayor Klitschko, five people, including one child, were injured when fragments of the drone fell.

At a kindergarten in the western city of Kyiv, fragments from a drone hit the building, causing the ceiling and walls to collapse, and debris scattered throughout the premises.

A man who said he had his grandson in kindergarten said, "I was just scared, I didn't know what had happened, I didn't know where to run in the dark. I would like to strongly condemn Russia."

In Ukraine, the 2th is a day to commemorate the victims of the Great Famine called the "Holodomor", which was artificially generated by the Stalin regime in the Soviet Union from 1 to the following year.

It is also a day to increase the sense of rivalry with Russia, and President Zelensky condemned it as 'deliberate terrorism' and emphasized that air defense capabilities will be strengthened.

The site of the drone fall

In Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, on the 25th, fragments of a Russian drone shot down by the Ukrainian side fell into the city, injuring people and causing major damage to buildings.

At a kindergarten in the western part of the country, falling debris hit a two-story building, causing the ceiling and walls to collapse and scatter on the kindergarten grounds, leaving the rooms used by the children exposed. At the site, work to remove debris had begun.

In addition, in an apartment complex near the kindergarten, there was damage such as broken window glass due to the impact of falling debris, and residents cooperated to collect glass shards, install new window glass, and block the windows with wooden boards.

A 2-year-old man who said he was sending his grandson to a kindergarten where the drone fell said: "I was just scared, I didn't know what had happened, I didn't know where to run in the dark hours. I would like to strongly condemn Russia for doing this."

A 67-year-old woman who was cleaning up broken windows said, "I was scared, I had three children and they were sleeping by the window, but luckily they were not injured. It's winter, so it's cold, so we immediately replaced the window glass."