Teller Report

Green Party Conference: Habeck warns of "vote of no confidence" in asylum debate

11/25/2023, 9:56:41 PM

Highlights: Green Party Conference: Habeck warns of "vote of no confidence" in asylum debate. Green Youth wants to ensure that no further tightening of asylum laws may be supported in the government. Vice-Chancellor Robert Habecks sees the Green Youth's amendment to tighten asylum laws as a " Vote of noconfidence in disguise" – with consequences for the government, he says. "Those who follow the right-wingers will stumble," says Green Youth spokeswoman Katharina Stolla, who calls for "politics out of love for all people"

In Karlsruhe, the party is also discussing migration policy. Habeck sees the Green Youth's amendment to tighten asylum laws as a "vote of no confidence in disguise" – with consequences for the government.

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Minister of Economic Affairs Robert Habeck with Green Party Chairwoman Ricarda Lang at the federal party conference in Karlsruhe

Photo: Kay Nietfeld / dpa

In a highly emotional debate on the topic of migration at the Karlsruhe party conference, Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck warned of a "vote of no confidence" against the Green members of the government. In a motion, the Green Youth wants to ensure that no further tightening of asylum laws may be supported in the government. "This vote will have consequences for the government's actions, for us in the government," Habeck said.

Amendment is a vote of no confidence in disguise

It is not an amendment, but "it is a vote of no confidence in disguise, which in truth says, leave the government," warned the Green economy minister. This will then "only lead to others doing politics and nothing will change as a result."

The Green Youth's motion states: "Further tightening of asylum laws, such as more restrictive regulations for returns, the reduction of social benefits for refugees, the lowering of protection standards, an expansion of safe countries of origin, fast-track procedures at external borders, the accommodation of refugees in external border camps and the rejection of refugees to supposedly safe third countries, must not be advocated by the Green ministers at the federal and state levels, nor by the Green groups."

"Those who follow the right-wingers will stumble"

A large number of young speakers called for support for the amendment. The new federal spokeswoman for the Green Youth, Katharina Stolla, said: "Anyone who runs after the right will stumble." There is no reason for further tightening of asylum laws. She called for "politics out of love for all people and not politics out of love for the coalition partner."

Cologne delegate Leon Schlömer said he could see a "shift in debate to the right" in Germany. Like other delegates, he called for the Greens to be the party "that says: No human being is illegal."

"As a governing party, we will be judged by whether we provide answers"

Party leader Omid Nouripour defended the course of the Greens in the government. "We, as the governing party, will be judged by whether we provide answers," he said. There must be solutions, for example, for the situation on the housing market and for integration, which is hardly possible in many municipalities. It is a matter of doing everything possible "to make the burden manageable and manageable". That is why the urgent motion of the party executive is entitled "Humanity and Order".

The issue of repatriation must also be discussed, Nouripour said. Those who make an immigration law are considering who should come "and who shouldn't." The urgent motion of the party executive states: "Control, order and repatriation are part of the reality of an immigration country like Germany." It also warns that politicians will lose the acceptance of citizens if they do not fulfil their responsibilities.

The urgent motion of the party executive committee and the amendment of the Green Youth are to be voted on afterwards.
