Teller Report

At least 60 wolves can be moved to southern Sweden

11/25/2023, 2:46:14 PM

Highlights: The wolf population in the southernmost part of the country may multiply. County administrative boards plan to propose that at least 60 wolves be moved from central Sweden to southern Sweden. The move will be based on the wolf's natural migration southwards. This may affect the minimum levels, which is the minimum number of wolves that must be present in the different carnivore management areas. The proposal is being considered by the county administrative boards in Gävleborg and P4 GäVleborg.

The county administrative boards plan to propose that at least 60 wolves be moved from central Sweden to southern Sweden.

As a result, the wolf population in the southernmost part of the country may multiply.

– We want to propose a change so that between 60 and 85 wolves are moved to the southern management area, says Sandra Wahlund, head of the wildlife unit at the county administrative board in Gävleborg, to P4 Gävleborg.

How a southward movement of wolves should take place is something that the county administrative boards are now considering, but it will be based on the wolf's natural migration southwards.

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More wolves have spread down to the south. This may affect the minimum levels, which is the minimum number of wolves that must be present in the different carnivore management areas. Photo: SVT