Teller Report

9 Syrians killed in a pro-Assad attack on agricultural workers in Idlib countryside

11/25/2023, 8:16:06 PM

Highlights: 9 Syrians killed in a pro-Assad attack on agricultural workers in Idlib countryside. 9 civilians, including 6 children and a woman, were killed and another woman from the same family was injured. The attack was carried out with surface-to-surface weapons and targeted workers harvesting olives in the village of Qaqafin, south of Idlib. The White Helmets said their teams took the injured to the nearest medical point and provided her with first aid, and recovered the bodies of the dead and handed them over to their families.

9 civilians, including 6 children and a woman, were killed and another woman from the same family was injured, in an attack by the Syrian regime forces on agricultural workers in the village of Qawqfin in the countryside of Idlib province in northwestern Syria.

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9 civilians, including 6 children and a woman, were killed and another woman from the same family was injured, in an attack by the Syrian regime forces on agricultural workers in the village of Qawqfin in the countryside of Idlib province in northwestern Syria.

Anadolu Agency said the attack was carried out by an armed group loyal to the Syrian regime stationed in the village of Khan al-Sabil in the south of the province.

The attack was carried out with surface-to-surface weapons and targeted workers harvesting olives in the village of Qaqafin, south of Idlib.

The White Helmets said their teams took the injured to the nearest medical point and provided her with first aid, and recovered the bodies of the dead and handed them over to their families.

9 civilians, including 6 children and a woman, were killed, and a woman was injured, all from the same family, in a horrific massacre committed by the regime forces by shelling targeting civilians while they were working to harvest the olive crop in the farms of the village of Qafqin, south of #إدلب, on Saturday, November 25, our teams treated the injured to the nearest medical point and provided her...

— Syria Civil Defense (@SyriaCivilDefe) November 25, 2023

Tahrir al-Sham controls about half of Idlib province (northwest) and limited contiguous areas in the neighboring provinces of Aleppo, Latakia and Hama, home to 3 million people, about half of whom are displaced.

In September 2018, Ankara and Moscow concluded an additional memorandum of understanding to strengthen the ceasefire in Idlib covered by the Turkey, Russia, and Iran de-escalation zones agreement during the 2017 Astana meetings, but the regime intensified its attacks on the area in 2019.

On May 5, 2020, Moscow and Ankara reached a new ceasefire agreement in Idlib, but regime forces occasionally violate it.

Source: Agencies